Project 1

Due on February 9th,1998.

  1. Read the language reference manual for Java in the compiler design course home page LRM In Postscript (local copy).

    Tutorial is in Tutorial .

    Language Refernce Manual and other useful material is in LRM

    A book by James Gosling, Bill Joy and Guy Steele, "The Java Language Specification" Addison Wesley describes the syntax and semantics of Java.

    A book by Tim Lindholm and Frank Yellin, "The Java Virtual Machine Specification", Addison Wesley describes virtual Macine.

  2. Write five sample Java programs which utilizes different features of the language.

  3. Write a lex program and yacc program that takes any LaTeX program that contains just a table and parses it. The output is a HTML program that describes the same table in HTML. You can assume that the entries are simple (containg no markups). You can also assume that the input LaTeX program is free of errors (syntactic). Make as many "reasonable" simplifying as possible. Test Examples will be in shortly.
Some groups can/may substitute tbl (in troff) in place of LaTeX.