Seçme Siirler * Selected Poems
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Translated by Talat Sait Halman


     Askerler dönüyor ihtiyar askerler,
     Sulhun mavi daðlarýndan.
     Kalbimize nekadar aþina
     Adýmlarýnda kalan.

     Türküler dönüyor nurdan türküler
     Kaðný arabalarýndan söylenmiþti.
     Karþý bahçeler ki ayna mýdýr
     Nasibi devreder þimdi.

     Kuþlar dönüyor sadýk kuþlar,
     Bahar için deðil, saçaklarýmýz için.
     Dönen mesafesiyle var oluruz
     Mevsimler arkasý güzelliðin.

     Gemiler dönüyor garip ve zengin.
     Garip ve sonsuz sular üzerinde.
     Gemilerle beraber gelen þey
     Aydýnlýklar gibi yüzer, derinde.

     ve bunlar deðil de ey gecem,
     Sen dönüyorsun ellerime, sen.
     Aþka ve hayata dönüyorum
     Topraðýn bütün ölülerinden


     Soldiers are returning, aged soldiers
     From the blue hills of peace.
     How intimate within our hearts
     What their steps would not release...

     Songs are returning, songs of light
     Sung on hulky ox carts.
     Are the gardens across a mirror
     Some new destiny that starts?

     Birds are returning, loyal birds,
     For our eaves, not for the sake of spring.
     We come alive in the whirling distance
     And the beauty that the seasons bring.

     Ships are returning, strange and opulent,
     Sailing the strange and endless seas.
     In the depths, like beams of light,
     The cargo of the ships tarries.

     Unlike any of these, my night,
     You, you are returning into my hands.
     I am returning to love and life
     From the dead of all the lands.

"Dönüþ" is from SELECTED POEMS OF FAZIL HÜSNÜ DAGLARCA, translated by Talat Sait Halman, © 1969 by University of Pittsburgh Press.
Reprinted by permission of the University of Pittsburgh Press.
All rights reserved.