Seçme Siirler * Selected Poems
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Translated by Talat Sait Halman

Samsun'dan Ankara'ya

              - Ordunun silâhlari alýnmýþ 
                ve alýnmakta

  Atým acýndan hasta, çalmýslar kýlýcýmý,
  Ýçimde silah sesleri,
  Sabaha kadar, tövbe tövbe,
  Gecelerle dövüþürüm.

  Kabzelerim vardý parýl parýl,
  Altýn elmas.
  Getirmiþtim ta Orta Asyadan,
  Ta batý Avrupa hayran olmuþtu,
  Kalmýþ aðýrlýklarýnca avuçlarýmda yas.

  Hepsi bir baþka biçimdeydi,
  Ama kardeþti tüfekle yay.
  Onlarla yaþamam hýzlanýrdý,
  Duyulurdu suyun ekmeðin lezzeti daha hoþ,
  Daha kolay.

  Çalmýslar kýlýcýmý,
  Vaktim bir ateþle kýzýllaþýr önce.
  Sonra tarihler tarihler döðer içimizdekileri,
  O kadar hafif, o kadar yalýn,
  Kýlýnç olur düþünce.

From Samsun to Ankara

            - The army was being divested of 
              its weapons.

  My horse is ailing with hunger, my sword is stolen,
  The cold bites.
  Weapons rattle in my heart.
  Till daybreak, in remorse and sorrow,
  I fight the nights.
  My butts had gold and diamonds 
  For ornament.
  I brought them from Central Asia
  To dazzle Western Europe.
  Now my hands weigh down with their lament.
  They all had different shapes,
  But the rifle and the bow were brothers.
  They gave my life its mad speed,
  And made water and bread taste better,
  And easier than the others.
  My sword was stolen.
  My time turned crimson when the flames gored.
  Epoch after epoch beat the anvil of our hearts.
  So light and naked,
  The mind becomes the sword.

"Samsun'dan Ankara'ya" is from SELECTED POEMS OF FAZIL HÜSNÜ DAGLARCA, translated by Talat Sait Halman, © 1969 by University of Pittsburgh Press.
Reprinted by permission of the University of Pittsburgh Press.
All rights reserved.