(from) Turkish Voices
a book by Murat Nemet-Nejat
1. Paradise
2. The rough man entered the lover's garden
3. Drizzle
4. Houri's Rose
5. I can't bring myself;
6. I who am a master in the art of complaining,
7. Whereas a glass of water was enough to wet your hair,
8. Dying In a Turkish Bath
9. The most beautiful woman, she was,
10. I love your productive hands. So many.
11. The clock chimed: hmmm.
12. A lover possesses only his love,
13. Through the transparent gown,
14. Loving was such a panacea, a blood letting
15. Where your face ended and your body began,
16. Toes,
17. Talcum powder, squat vaseline jar,
18. Left foot,
19. The blue spots inside my thighs
20. A stalk outbursts in miniature a city,
21. In Turkey at least
22. Trucks carry melons;
23. At the courtyard of the Blue Mosque, a secret ritual.
24. They sheared the cloud, the cloud now is clear;
25. No no no
26. My black mulberry, my forked darky, my Gypsy,
27. When quinces become pomegranates
28. Bury my wounded song
29. A watermelon broke,
30. Peeping Tom
31. What likes ice cream, sex and lives in a dark place?

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