Added city newyork Added city boston Error trying to add city newyork Linked cities boston and newyork Error trying to link cities boston and newark Error trying to link cities newyork and boston Neighbors for city boston: newyork Neighbors for city newyork: boston Added city newark Linked cities newark and newyork Neighbors for city boston: newyork Neighbors for city newark: newyork Neighbors for city newyork: boston newark Added city providence Linked cities providence and boston Added city albany Added city philadelphia Linked cities philadelphia and newark Added city baltimore Linked cities philadelphia and baltimore Neighbors for city albany: Neighbors for city baltimore: philadelphia Neighbors for city boston: newyork providence Neighbors for city newark: newyork philadelphia Neighbors for city newyork: boston newark Neighbors for city philadelphia: baltimore newark Neighbors for city providence: boston Linked cities newyork and albany Neighbors for city albany: newyork Neighbors for city baltimore: philadelphia Neighbors for city boston: newyork providence Neighbors for city newark: newyork philadelphia Neighbors for city newyork: albany boston newark Neighbors for city philadelphia: baltimore newark Neighbors for city providence: boston Removed city newyork Error trying to remove link from cities albany and newyork Added city newyork Added city washington Linked cities newyork and providence Linked cities newyork and newark Linked cities newyork and baltimore Linked cities baltimore and washington Added city pittsburgh Added city cleveland Added city buffalo Added city bloomington Added city chicago Linked cities pittsburgh and cleveland Linked cities cleveland and buffalo Linked cities cleveland and bloomington Linked cities bloomington and chicago Added city harrisburg Linked cities philadelphia and harrisburg Linked cities philadelphia and pittsburgh Linked cities harrisburg and pittsburgh Linked cities boston and newyork Removed link from cities philadelphia and pittsburgh Error trying to remove link from cities philadelphia and pittsburgh Neighbors for city albany: Neighbors for city baltimore: newyork philadelphia washington Neighbors for city bloomington: chicago cleveland Neighbors for city boston: newyork providence Neighbors for city buffalo: cleveland Neighbors for city chicago: bloomington Neighbors for city cleveland: bloomington buffalo pittsburgh Neighbors for city harrisburg: philadelphia pittsburgh Neighbors for city newark: newyork philadelphia Neighbors for city newyork: baltimore boston newark providence Neighbors for city philadelphia: baltimore harrisburg newark Neighbors for city pittsburgh: cleveland harrisburg Neighbors for city providence: boston newyork Neighbors for city washington: baltimore No evader in graph to capture