16 Polygon(s): red blue green cyan purple orange white yellow magenta pink black tan teal olive brown grey 5 Triangle(s): red green cyan purple brown 3 IsoscelesTriangle(s): red green purple 2 RightTriangle(s): green cyan 1 IsoscelesRightTriangle(s): green 1 EquilateralTriangle(s): red 8 Quadrilateral(s): blue orange yellow magenta pink tan teal olive 6 Trapezoid(s): blue orange yellow magenta pink tan 3 Kite(s): blue yellow teal 4 Parallelogram(s): blue orange yellow magenta 3 IsoscelesTrapezoid(s): blue orange pink 2 Rhombus(s): blue yellow 2 Rectangle(s): blue orange 1 Square(s): blue 4 Polygon(s) with all equal sides: red blue yellow grey 4 Polygon(s) with all equal angles: red blue orange black 6 Polygon(s) with a right angle: blue green cyan orange white teal