Lecture 22 --- Exercises ======================== Solutions to the problems below must be sent to Submitty for automatic scoring. A separate file must submitted for each problem. Solutions must be submitted by 4 pm on Friday, December 1. #. What is printed out when the following code is run? Assume that the user clicks on the "Launch" button and nothing else. Put your answer into a text file and submit it as the answer to part 1. :: from tkinter import * class MyApp(object): def __init__(self, parent): print('Initialized!') self.parent = parent self.main_frame = Frame(parent) self.main_frame.pack() self.button1 = Button(self.main_frame, text="Launch", command=self.terminate_program) self.button1.configure(width=12, padx="4m", pady="4m") self.button1.pack() self.button2 = Button(self.main_frame, text="C", command=self.c) self.button2.configure(width=12, padx="4m", pady="4m") self.button2.pack() self.rocket = 2 def d(self): self.rocket += 2 def c(self): print("Launching ... counting", end='') for i in range(self.rocket): print('...{}'.format(self.rocket), end='') self.rocket -= 1 print('...Liftoff!', flush=True) def terminate_program(self): self.c() print('Terminated') self.parent.destroy() if __name__ == "__main__": root = Tk() print("Countdown ready") myapp = MyApp(root) myapp.d() root.mainloop() myapp.d() print(myapp.rocket) myapp.c() print("Done") #. Revisiting the same code, what is printed if the code is run a second time and the user clicks the "C" button and nothing else? Put your answer into a text file and submit it as the answer to part 2.