HOMEWORK 3: GPS TRACKING & STACK HACKING NAME: < insert name > COLLABORATORS AND OTHER RESOURCES: List the names of everyone you talked to about this assignment (classmates, TAs, ALAC tutors, upperclassment, students/instructor via LMS, etc.), and all of the resources (books, online reference material, etc.) you consulted in completing this assignment. < insert collaborators / resources > Remember: Your implementation for this assignment must be done on your own, as described in "Academic Integrity for Homework" handout. ESTIMATE OF # OF HOURS SPENT ON THIS ASSIGNMENT: < insert # hours > PART 2: DIAGRAMMING MEMORY & MAKING HYPOTHESES List the name of the images files of the diagrams you are uploading with this portion of the assignment. Describe the scenario shown in each diagram, and your predictions for the errors that will arise from incorrect use of your distance and filter functions. PART 3: TESTING YOUR HYPOTHESES Describe the testing of your hypotheses for part 2. Paste small examples of the stack visualization that support your investigation. Describe the program behavior/errors that results when you exaggerate the mis-use of memory with these functions. PART 4: PASS-BY-VALUE VS PASS-BY-REFERENCE Paste the relevant portion of the visualization and describe in your own words what the visualization demonstrates. PART 5: STACK FRAMES OF A RECURSIVE FUNCTION Paste the relevant portion of the stck visualization (abbreviate as appropriate) and your observations about the operation of recursive functions on the stack. MISC. COMMENTS TO GRADER: Optional, please be concise!