ERROR: Student 'Ben_Bitdiddle' is already enrolled. ERROR: No open seats in 'CSCI 2961' section '01'. ERROR: CRN '55032' in term 'Fall 2021' does not exist. ERROR: Student 'Benjamin_Bitdiddle' is not enrolled. ERROR: Registering for 'ARTS 2350' would exceed 'Ben_Bitdiddle's' term limit of 16 credits. ERROR: Student 'Alyssa_P_Hacker' does not have required prereq 'CSCI 2300'. ERROR: 'Ben_Bitdiddle' is already registered for 'CSCI 1100'. ERROR: 'LITR 2150' section '01' conflicts with 'CSCI 1200' section '10'. ERROR: Student 'Louie_B_Reasoned' is not enrolled. ERROR: Course 'CSCI 1199' does not exist in term 'Fall 2022'. ERROR: Term 'Fall 2023' does not exist.