Practice Problem Corrections/Explanations: ------------------------------------------ 3) Typo in solution: i is used in while loop condition when it has not be created or initialized ahead of time. Correction: This statement should come before the while loop: int i = 0; 8) a) Typo in solution: xp, yp, and zp are used. Correction: Should be px, py, and pz respectively. 8) b) Typo #1 in solution: dominates_v2(p,r), dominates_v2(r,q), and dominates_v2(q,r) should return true. Correction: These should all return false. Typo #2 in solution: xp, yp, and zp are used. Correction: Should be px, py, and pz respectively. In addition, it is not an error that we do not need to use the get() member function with the "other" object. Because this is a member function of the class Point it can access private member variables of the current object (the one used with dot notation) as well as objects of the same class which are passed in to the function.