Phone Book is empty Sally's number has been added to the phonebook Fred's number has been added to the phonebook Phone Book by name Fred 5552222 Sally 5551111 Phone Book by number 5551111 Sally 5552222 Fred Sally's number is 5551111 Fred's number is 5552222 No entry for Rachel Sally is calling! Fred is calling! Unknown Caller! Sally's number has changed from 5551111 to 5554444 Sally's number is 5554444 Unknown Caller! Phone Book by name Fred 5552222 Sally 5554444 Phone Book by number 5552222 Fred 5554444 Sally Fred must have moved, the number 5552222 now belongs to Rachel Rachel's number has been added to the phonebook Phone Book by name Rachel 5552222 Sally 5554444 Phone Book by number 5552222 Rachel 5554444 Sally Rachel is calling! Rachel's number is 5552222 No entry for Fred