CSCI 4190: Introduction to Robotic Algorithms, Spring 2006

Assignment 2 information

Written questions (part II)

  1. Convince us that your program is working correctly by submitting test cases (problem files, command files, etc.) that you used to test your code. I suggest you test your code by creating situations where you can observe each part of your program, for example, tests where you can see the sensing update reducing uncertainty in the robot pose is different directions.

    Name the problem files for these tests: test1.txt, test2.txt, etc. Turn in these problem files (and associated command and robot files) electronically with your source code.

    Turn in on your written work a brief description of these tests, including what they are designed to test and the results you got from your program.

  2. Create a test input that illustrates "filter divergence". Name the problem file divergence.txt and turn it in (along with associated command and robot files) electronically with your source code.

    Briefly describy, in your written work, what happens in this test: what should happen and why this test shows filter divergence.

  3. For calculating confidence limits, one of the points in Section 4 of the assignment handout says to take the upper left 2x2 submatrix of Px, i.e., the variance of x, the variance of y, and the covariance of x and y. The lower right element in Px, the variance of theta, is used for calculating confidence bounds on the orientation of the robot.

    This means that the covariance of x and theta, and the covariance of y and theta (the element in row 1, column 3 (also row 3 column 1) and in row 2 column 3 (also row 3 column 2)) are not being used. In general, these numbers are not zero.

    What does this mean about the position and orientation and their uncertainty? Why are we ignoring these elements?

Turning in your code and other files

These directions are slightly different from last time: