Submission information for Asst2 - Web Science

Please read the following very carefully, improper submissions will cause at least delay, and possibly loss of grades!!

Your assignment involved writing a program that creates two output files. You must submit the following for the inputs and parameters specified below:

  1. Your code
  2. Your output file named PageRank (it should have exactly that name, no extensions)
  3. Your output file named ReverseIndex (it should have exactly that name, no extensions)
  4. A trace of your program running on the set of queries specified below. Call this file RequiredSearch (no extension).
  5. A trace of your program running three searches of your own choice. Call this file MySearch (no extension).

For the values of the parameters for the output files please use:

For the RequiredSearch, show your search engine's results for the following three queries (remember, these are case sensitive)
  1. But
  2. observer little
  3. Baker might case
For the three cases of your own choice, please have all of them be more than one word, and at least one be three or more words.

Emailing in the assignment

Please create a tarball or zip file named Asst2-lastname.tar (or .zip) that includes all the required files with the appropriate names. Email it to and please use the subject Submission-WS-Asst2-lastname.

(Note: last time a student actually sent me an email with exactly that subject, and did not replace "lastname' with their own lastname. Please do not do that again!)