HOMEWORK 8: ROPES NAME: < insert name > COLLABORATORS AND OTHER RESOURCES: List the names of everyone you talked to about this assignment (classmates, TAs, ALAC tutors, upperclassmen, students/instructor via LMS, etc.), and all of the resources (books, online reference material, etc.) you consulted in completing this assignment. < insert collaborators / resources > Remember: Your implementation for this assignment must be done on your own, as described in "Academic Integrity for Homework" handout. ESTIMATE OF # OF HOURS SPENT ON THIS ASSIGNMENT: < insert # hours > BALANCED/WORST CASE RUNNIG TIME ANALYSIS: n = characters in the string of the current Rope (*this) m = characters in the string of the Rope passed in (for functions that take a second rope) v = longest "value" of a leaf p = longest path from root to a leaf Using these variables, state and explain the big-O running time of each of the following operations two ways: 1) with a balanced Rope, 2) with an extremely unbalanced Rope. Explain what you considered an extremely unbalanced rope for the string "Hello my name is Simon". Copy Constructor: Construct from Node*: Index: Report: iterator operator++: Split: Concat: TESTING & DEBUGGING STRATEGY: Briefly describe the tests in your StudentTests() function. How did you test the "corner cases" of your implementation? MISC. COMMENTS TO GRADER: (optional, please be concise!)