CS 66-460
Introduction to Graphical Human Machine Interfaces

Java (Part 2)


Instructor: G. Bowden Wise
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Spring 1997



Java supports to styles of comments, both borrowed from C and C++:

Data Types


  byte     1 byte  [-128, +128]
  short    2 bytes [-32,768, +32,768]
  int      4 bytes [-2,147,483,648, +2,147,483,647]
  long     8 bytes [-9,223,372,036,854,775,808L, 

Floating Point Numbers

  float    4 bytes +- 3.40282347E+38F
                   (7 significant digits)
  double   8 bytes +- 1.79769313486231570E+308
                   (15 significant digits)


  char     2 bytes  UNICODE


  boolean  1 byte   true, false

Conversions Between Numeric Types

In general, binary operations on numeric types are converted to the largest type when there are variables of mixed numeric types

Java will convert operands in the following order:

Conversions from a larger type to a smaller one require an explicit cast:

   double x = 9.997;
   int    n = x;       // compile time error

   int    n = (int) x; // ok: explicit cast

Java allows assignments from one type to another provided the resulting variable is large enough:

byte .. short .. int .. long .. float .. double
You can always assign a variable of a type that is to the left to the type on its right in the above list.

Conversions and Boolean Types

Java does not allow boolean values to be converted to any numeric types. C/C++ programmers may find this a nuisance, no longer can you do this:

   // function foo() returns an int
   if ( foo(a) )
instead you must do this:
   if ( foo(a) != 0 )

Java does not allow assignments within boolean expressions. It is not possible to do this:

   if ( a = 10 )



Assignment and Initialization


1  ++          arithmetic        R   pre or post increment
   --          arithmetic        R   pre or post decrement
   +, -        arithmetic        R   unary plus or minus
   \~          integral          R   bitwise complement (unary)
   !           boolean           R   logical complement (unary)
   (type)      any               R   cast

2  *, /, \%    arithmetic        L   multiplication, division, modulus

3  +, -        arithmetic        L   addition, subtraction
   +           String            L   concatenation

4  <<          integral          L   left shift
   >>          integral          L   right shift with sign extension
   >>>         integral          L   right shift with zero extension

5  <, <=       arithmetic        L   less than, less than or equal
   >, >=       arithmetic        L   greater than, greater than or equal
   instanceof object, type       L   type comparison

6  ==          primitive         L   equal (same values)
   !=          primitive         L   not equals (different values)

   ==          object            L   equal (same objects)
   !=          object            L   not equal (differnt objects)

7  &           integral          L   bitwise AND
   &           boolean           L   boolean AND

8  ^           integral          L   bitwise XOR
   ^           boolean           L   boolean XOR

Operators (continued)

9  |           integral          L   bitwise OR
   |           boolean           L   boolean OR

10 &&          boolean           L   conditional AND
11 ||          boolean           L   conditional OR
12 ?:          boolean,any,any   R   conditiional (ternary) assignment

13 =           variable, any     R   assignment
   *=, /=      variable, any     R   assignment with operation
   +=, -=
   <<=, >>=
   &=, ^=

Control Flow
Conditional Statements

if statements:

   if (yourSales >= target)
      quotaMet = true;
or use blocks
   if (yourSales >= target)
      quotaMet = true;
      bonus = 1000;       

Control Flow
Conditional Statements

if () else statements:

   if (yourSales >= target)  
      quotaMet = true;
      quotaMet = false;
or use blocks
   if (yourSales > target)
       quotaMet = true;
       bonus = 1000;
   else if (yourSales == target)
       quotaMet = true;
       bonus = 0;
   }   else
       quotaMet = false;
       paycut = -1000;

Control Flow
Indeterminate Loops

while statements:

   while (balance < goal)
      balance += 10;
or use a block:
   while (balance < goal)
      amt = 10;
      balance += amt;

do statements:

      amt = 10;
      balance += amt;
   } while (balance < goal)

Control Flow
Determinate Loops

for and while statements:

   for (int i=0; i < 10; i++)             
      System.out.println ("i: " + i);

   while (i < 10)
      System.out.println ("i: " + i++);
with blocks:

   for (int i=0; i < 10; i++)             
      sum += i;
           ("i: " + i + "sum: " + sum);

   while (i < 10)
      sum += i;
           ("i: " + i + "sum: " + sum);

Control Flow
Multiple Selections

switch statements:

   import jave.util.Date.*;
   Date today = new Date();
   String day = "";
   switch (today.getDay())     
     case 0:
       day = "Sunday";
     case 1:
       day = "Monday";
     case 2:
       day = "Tuesday";
     case 3:
       day = "Wednesday";
     case 4:
       day = "Thursday";
     case 5:
       day = "Friday";
     case 6:
       day = "Saturday";
   System.out.println ("Today is: " + day);

Control Flow

Un-labeled break statements:

   while (years <= 100)
      balance = (balance + payment) *
                (1       + interest);
      if (balance > goal)

Labeled break statements:

   test: if (check(i))  {
            for (int j=0; j < 10; j++) {
               for (k=0; k < 10; k++) {
                  if (a[i][j] == null)
                     break test;

Control Flow

Un-labeled continue statements are used to break to the top of a loop:

   while (years <= 100)
      balance = (balance + payment) *
                (1       + interest);

      if (balance ==  500)
         balance = 550;

Labeled continue statements:



   int[]  I = new int[100];
   for (int i=0; i < 100; i++)
      I[i] = i; // fill array with 0 to 99

   int lookupTable[]  = { 1, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30};

Arrays (continued)

public class ShellSort
   public static void sort(int[] a)
      int n    = a.length;
      int incr = n / 2;
      while (incr >= 1)
         for (int i=incr; i < n; i++)
            int temp = a[i];
            int    j = i;
            while ( j>= i  && temp < a[j-incr])
               a[j] = a[j-incr];
               j -= incr;
            a[j] = temp;
         incr /= 2;

   public static void main (String[] args)
      int[] a = new int [10];
      for (int i=0; i < a.length; i++)
         a[i] = (int) (Math.random() * 100);

      System.out.print ("Unsorted: ");
      for (int i=0; i < a.length; i++)
         System.out.print (a[i] + " ");
      System.out.println (" ");

      sort (a);

      System.out.print ("Sorted:   ");
      for (int i=0; i < a.length; i++)
         System.out.print (a[i] + " ");
      System.out.println (" ");

Arrays (continued)

public class LotteryDrawing
   public static int[] drawing (int high, int number)
      int numbers[] = new int [high];
      int result [] = new int [number];

      // fill in array with numbers 1 2 3 ... high
      for (int i=0; i < high; i++) numbers[i] = i+1;

      for (int i=0; i < number; i++)
         int j = (int) (Math.random() * (high - i));
         result[i] = numbers[j];
         numbers[j] = numbers[high - 1 - i];
      return result;

   public static void main(String[] args)
      int   high = 50;
      int number = 5;

      int[] a = drawing (high, number);

      for (int i=0; i < a.length; i++)
         System.out.println (a[i]);

The String Class

   String empty = "";
   String hello = "Hello";

   // concatenation
   String hello2 = hello + " world";

   // substrings
   String world = hello2.substring(6, 5);

   // characters:
   char w = world.charAt(0);

   // cannot change individual characters 
   // compile time error
   world[0] = 'W'; 

   // but can replace whole string:
   world    = "World"; 

   // for comparing two strings:
   if (world.equals(hello2))

   // DO NOT USE THE == operators
   // it will compare the addresses of the objects
   if ( world == hello2 )

The StringBuffer Class


class ReverseString {
  public static String reverseIt(String source) {
                int i, len = source.length();
                StringBuffer dest = new StringBuffer(len);

                for (i = (len - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
                return dest.toString();

public class Reverse
 static public void main (String[] args)
    String s = "Reverse Me";
    String r = ReverseString.reverseIt (s);

    System.out.println ("  String: " + s);
    System.out.println ("Reversed: " + r);

Other Data Structures

Other data structures are available from the java.util package:

Object Oriented Programming
Procedural vs. Object-Oriented

Procedural programming

Object Oriented Programming
Procedural vs. Object-Oriented

Object-oriented programming

Object Oriented Programming

One definition of an object-oriented langage is that the langauge provides support for the following

Some Definitions

Class Relationships

There are three common relationships among classes:

Support for OOP?

Java OOP

What goes in a class:

Within each section, we can have:

Java OOP
The Life Cycle of an Object

When implementing classes, you implement:

Java OOP
Controlling Access to Class Members

Java provides 5 levels of access control for class members - both data and methods:

Java OOP
Controlling Access to Class Members

When to use:

Java OOP
Controlling Access to Class Members

Java OOP
Class Declarations

When we define a class, we specify

In general, a class declaration in Java looks like:

[modifiers]  class ClassName [extends SuperClass] 
                             [implements InterfaceNames]


Java OOP
Class Data Member Declarations

When we define class data members, we specify

In general, a class data member in Java looks like:

accessSpecifier] [static] [final] [volatile] type variableName


   static final double PI = 3.14159; // constant
   private double width;             // private instance data

Java OOP
Class Member Method Declarations

When we define class methods, we specify

Java OOP
Class Member Method Declarations

In general, a class data member in Java looks like:

[accessSpecifier] [static] [abstract] [final] [native] [synchronized] 
                  returnType methodName ([paramlist]) 
                  [throws exceptionsList]


   public static int getX() { return x; }

   public double area() { return width * height; }

   public abstract void draw ();   

   public void OpenFile () throws IOException 

   public void sort (int[] a)

Java OOP
Abstract Classes

Example: a hierarchy of shapes with methods for:

Java OOP
Abstract Class Example

abstract class Shape
  public Shape (String name) { shName = name; }
  public abstract double area();
  public abstract double circumference();
  public String getName () { return shName; }
  private String shName;

class Circle extends Shape
  public Circle ()         { super("Circle"); this.r = 1.0; }
  public Circle (double r) { super("Circle"); this.r = r;  }
  public double area()          { return java.lang.Math.PI * r * r; }
  public double circumference() { return 2 * java.lang.Math.PI * r; }
  public double getRadius() { return r; }
  protected double r;

class Rectangle extends Shape
  public Rectangle ()                   
  { super("Rectangle");  this.w = 1.0; this.h = 1.0; }
  public Rectangle  (double w, double h) 
  { super ("Rectangle"); this.w = w; this.h = h; }
  public double area () { return w*h; }
  public double circumference() { return 2*(w + h); } 
  public double getWidth()  { return w; }
  public double getHeight() { return h; }
  private double w;
  private double h;

public class shapes
  public static void main(String args[])
   Shape[] shapes = new Shape[3];

   shapes[0] = new Circle (2.0);
   shapes[1] = new Rectangle();
   shapes[2] = new Rectangle(4.0, 2.0);

   double total_area = 0;

   for (int i=0; i < shapes.length; i++)
        total_area += shapes[i].area();
        System.out.println (shapes[i].getName() + ": area= " + 
                            shapes[i].area()    + ", circumference= " +
   System.out.println ("Total area = " + total_area);

Java OOP
Compiling Java Programs

Java OOP

public interface Drawable 
 public void setColor (Color t);
 public void setPosition (double x, double y);
 public void draw        (DrawWindow dw);

Java OOP
Using Interfaces


public class DrawableRectangle extends Rectangle
                               implements Drawable
 public DrawableRectangle ( double w, double h) { super(w,h); }

  public void setColor (Color t) { this.c = t; }
  public void setPosition (double x, double y) { this.x=x; this.y = y; }
  public void draw        (DrawWindow dw)
  { dw.drawRect (x, y, w, g, c); }

  private Color c;
  private double x, y;

Java OOP
Class Design Hints

Java Applets

Java Applets
Viewing Applets

To create and view an applet:

Java Applets

Required HTML tags:

Java Applets

Optional attributes of the APPLET tag:

To pass parameters to applets we use the PARAM tag which has two attributes:

<APPLET CODE="SampleForm.class" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=25>
<PARAM NAME="Address" VALUE="1234 Main">
<PARAM NAME="Amount" VALUE="50.00">

Java Applets
The Lifecycle of an Applet

There are four methods in the Applet class that give you the framework on which to build any serious applet:

Java Applets

Because applets are designed to be loaded from a remote site and then executed locally, there are a number of security restrictions for applets.

In general, applets are not allowed to do things like:

Different Web browsers may relax some of these restrictions. Netscape provides less security when loading an applet from a local file than it does for loading an applet via a URL, for example.

In addition, the appletviewer does not impose most of the above restrictions.

Java Applets
Passing Parameters to Applets

Parameters may be passed to an applet from the HTML file in which the applet has been embedded.

Here is an example:

<TITLE> An Applet with Parameters </TITLE>
<APPLET CODE="SampleForm.class" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=25>
<PARAM NAME="Address" VALUE="1234 Main">
<PARAM NAME="Amount" VALUE="50.00">

These values are usually retrieved in the applet's init() method by calling the applet's getParameter() method:

   String name = getParameter("name");
Note that the parameters in the getParameter method and the PARAM tag must match exactly.

Java Applets
Dialog Boxes

Java Applets
Dialog Boxes Example

class CalculatorApplet extends Applet
   public void init()
      add(new Button ("Calculator");

   public boolean action (Event evt, Object arg) 
      if (arg.equals ("Calculator"))
         if (calc.isShowing()) calc.hide(); 
         else                  calc.show();
         super.action (evt, arg);
      return true;
   Frame calc = new Calculator();

Java AWT

The Abstract Windowing Toolkit is provided by the java.awt package.

The AWT is divided into three categories:

Java AWT

The AWT provides a number of classes for graphics:

Java AWT
Interface Components

The AWT provides a number of GUI components:

Java AWT
Layout Managers

Java AWT
Related Classes

The AWT provides a class for grouping checkboxes:

The AWT provides classes for menus:

Java AWT
Some Notes...

Java AWT

Java AWT
Events Example

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class GUI1 extends Applet
  public void init()
    b1 = new Button ("Press me");
    field1 = new TextField ("Welcome!", 20);

    setLayout (new GridLayout (2, 1));
    add (b1);
    add (field1);
  public boolean action (Event event, Object arg)
    if (event.target == b1) {
      field1.setText ("Thank you!!!" );
      return true;
    else {
      return super.action (event,arg);

  private Button     b1;
  private TextField  field1;


Bowden Wise
Mon Apr 7 11:40:34 EDT 1997