CSCI.4430/6969 Programming Languages Fall 2003
Programming Assignment #1

This assignment is to be done either individually or in pairs. Do not show your code to any other group and do not look at any other group's code. Do not put your code in a public directory or otherwise make it public. However, you may get all the help you need from the TA or the instructor. You are encouraged to use the WebCT Discussions page to post problems so that other students can also see the answers.

Part 1, Implementing First-Class Parameter-Passing Variations: Extend the language defined in section 3.7 so that you can have begin expressions (see Exercise 3.39) and so that various parameter-passing schemes may be specified for each parameter in a function call.

Change the grammar as follows:

<expression> ::= begin <expression> {; <expression>}* end
begin-exp (exp exps)
<expression> ::= (<expression> {<call-by> <expression>}*)
app-exp (rator cbs rands)
<call-by> ::= value | ref | value-result | name | need

so that when expressions are passed as arguments to procedures, the corresponding parameter passing variation is used, as in

  (swap  value x  ref y) 
where x will be call-by-value and y will be call-by-reference. Primitive applications are assumed to be call-by-value.

The following is a brief description of each variation:

You may start with the code in 3-7.scm the code found in the scripts 3-8*.scm may be helpful. is available for test and debug your solution (This is NOT the only code that will be used for grading).

Part 2, Implementing Type Checking on a Language with Lists:

(i) Extend the language from 4.2 so that the type-checker includes the type list, along with basic list operations (similar to Exercises 3.7 and 3.18).

Include the following in the grammar:

<expression> ::= <list-primitive> ({<expression>}(,)*)
list-primapp-exp (rator rands)
<expression> ::= unpack {<identifier>}* = <expression> in <expression>
unpack-exp (ids exp body)
<expression> ::= emptylist
emptylist-exp ()
<list-primitive> ::= cons | car | cdr | list | null?
<type-exp> ::= (listof {<type-exp>}* )
list-type-exp (element-types)

(ii) Write typing rules for the language extensions (see Exercise 4.7 for an example on a similar language with pairs). Add these to your README file

(iii) Implement type-checking in the extended language using your typing rules. You may use 4-2.scm as a starting point. Note that you do NOT have to update the eval-expression procedure. You only need to modify the procedure type-of-expression (that is, you must be able to type-check the modified grammar, but not evaluate it). To test your code, use the procedure type-check instead of run.

Some details: is available for test and debug your solution (This is NOT the only code that will be used for grading).

Part 1 Extra Credit, First-Class Static and Dynamic Binding (10% bonus): In addition to Part 1, allow procedures to be called using static or dynamic binding using explicit identifiers. Therefore,

(static f value x value y)
may have a different result than
(dynamic f value x value y).

If you want to do this extra credit, first save your answer to Part 1 as Copy the file and save the modified extra credit file to, so they can be graded separately. is available for test and debug your solution (This is NOT the only code that will be used for grading).

Part 2 Extra Credit, Implementing Type Checking for Homogenous Arbitrary Length Lists (15% bonus): Replicate Part 2 but now instead add a homogenous list type to the type-checker (similar to Exercise 4.8). This allows you to declare that a function takes a list where each element is a specific type, rather than specifying the type of each element individually.

The following should be added to the grammar:

<expression> ::= <hlist-primitive> ({<expression>}(,)*)
hlist-primapp-exp (rator rands)
<expression> ::= unpack {<identifier>}* = <expression> in <expression>
unpack-exp (ids exp body)
<expression> ::= emptylist [<type-exp>]
emptylist-exp (hlist-type)
<hlist-primitive> ::= cons | car | cdr | hlist | null?
<type-exp> ::= (hlistof <type-exp>)
hlist-type-exp (list-type)

This will allow programs such as

  (hlistof int) add-one = proc ((hlistof int) lst)
    if null?(lst) then
      emptylist[ int ]
      cons(add1(car(lst)), add-one(cdr(lst)))
in (add-one (hlist 0 1 2 3 4))
to type-check correctly.

If you want to do this extra credit, start over with the language from section 4.2 (You can use 4-2.scm). Do not submit a combined Part 2 / Part 2 Extra Credit file, but separate them into files and is available for test and debug your solution (This is NOT the only code that will be used for grading).

Due Date:
Received Time Grade Modification
before Monday, October 20, 11:59PM +10%
Tuesday, October 21, from 12:00AM to 11:59PM no modification (on time)
Wednesday, October 22, from 12:00AM to 11:59PM -10%
from Thursday, October 23, 12:00AM to
Friday, October 24, 11:59PM
after Saturday, October 25, 12:00AM not accepted

Grading: The programs will be tested on the CS network versions of Scheme (see submission requirements). The score will be split as following:

Each of Part 1 and Part 2 will be graded mostly on correctness, but code clarity / readability will also be a factor (comment, comment, comment!). See the professor if you have ideas for other extentions for this assignment and would like extra credit for implementing them. You should make sure your code works with the test scripts provided, but the same scripts may NOT be used when grading. Be sure your solutions are robust.

Submission Requirements: Your code should consist of 2-4 Scheme files, depending on the extra credit work you decide to do, plus a README file. The file names should be

In the README file, place the names of each group member (up to two), and the version(s) of Scheme that you have tested it under. Among the versions it works under MUST be either Petite Scheme in /projects/proglang03/scheme/pcs6.0a_solaris, Dr. Scheme in /projects/proglang03/scheme/plt_solaris, or (preferrably) both. It should also have a list specific features / bugs in your solutions. These are the versions that will be used for testing purposes. Combine these files into single ZIP file with your WebCT user name(s) as the filename, either or Only submit one assignment per pair (the other does not need to submit anything via WebCT). Please submit your file via WebCT.