CSCI.4430/6969 Programming Languages-- Fall 2003

Instructions For Running Salsa:

There is a copy of SALSA in the /projects/proglang03/salsa/ directory. There are several examples of the language in /projects/proglang03/salsa/Salsa/src/examples.

You need to set your $PATH to include the Java binary. As you've had to do something similar in the last several projects, you probably know how to do this already.

The following environment variables and aliases work for UNIX, "csh" and "tcsh" shell scripts:

setenv SALSAPATH /projects/proglang03/salsa/
setenv SALSAVER 0.6.5

alias salsac 'java -cp $SALSAPATH/salsa$SALSAVER.jar:. salsac.SalsaCompiler \!*.salsa; javac -classpath $SALSAPATH/salsa$SALSAVER.jar:. \!*.java'
alias salsa 'java -cp $SALSAPATH/salsa$SALSAVER.jar:. '
alias wwcns 'java -cp $SALSAPATH/salsa$SALSAVER.jar:. wwc.naming.WWCNamingServer'
alias wwctheater 'java -cp $SALSAPATH/salsa$SALSAVER.jar:. wwc.messaging.Theater'

You need to include those in your ".cshrc" file.  If you have another operating system or UNIX shell, find similar commands as those above.  If you are running "bash", you can always run "tcsh" so that these environment variables and alias settings work for you.

Finally, in case you feel like installing SALSA on your personal machine and working offline, the /projects/proglang03/salsa/ directory itself contains a source tarball of SALSA.  Documentation, tutorial, examples are available at SALSA's web page at

Last Updated -- December 1, 2003.