Data Structures and Algorithms -- CSCI 230
Chapter 3 -- Review Solutions

The standard vector container class provides neither push_front nor pop_front operations because these are inefficient operations on an array: all remaining values would have to be shifted over by one location to fill the empty space -- a linear time operation. The standard library is designed to explicit prevent such inefficiencies by not providing such operations. Hence, the vector container class should not be used for a queue. Note: the buffer class we investigated in lab 1 used a fixed sized array for efficient queue operations. Requiring such a fixed sized is too restrictive, however. Also, the operations to implement this are not provided directly in the insert and remove operations of the vector.

Assuming k is small relative to n, the vector would be kept in increasing order of id number. Each insert operation then would be O(k) worst-case because at most k foos at the end of the vector would need to be shifted over to insert a new foo. The search operation could then use binary search because of the sorted nature, requiring $O(\log n)$ time. The print operation would just be O(n) because the foos would already be sorted. If $k = \theta(n)$ and search and print operations are extremely rare (occurring, say O(1) times total), then keeping the vector unsorted and just inserting at the end would make sense. You really need not have considered this case.

For linked lists, the choice of sorted vs. unsorted, which determines the efficiency of various operations, is less clear. When the list is sorted, insert requires O(k) time, search O(n) and print would also be O(n). When the list is unsorted, insert requires O(1), search O(n) (though the constant multiplier on n is twice that of the sorted case), and print would be $O(n \log n)$.Thus, the cost (and the choice) depends on the relative frequency of insert vs. print operations.

For small k the vector is the better choice because of the efficiency of the search and print operations. For larger k, the unsorted list might be better if insert is much more frequent than search or print.

Here is the function for lists:
        every_nth( istream & instr, int n )
          list<float> values;
          float in_val;
          while ( instr >> in_val ) values.push_back(in_val);
          list<float>::reverse_iterator p = values.rbegin();
          int i=0;
          for ( ; p != values.rend(); ++p, ++i )
            if ( i%n == 0 ) cout << *p << endl;
Note that you might have used two nested loops for the printing operation. That is likely to be an equally valid solution. Also, you could have called the reverse function and then just used an ordinary iterator.

The solution for vector is exactly the same, with the word list replaced by the word vector!

Here is the solution for singly-linked list. Note that at the end of each loop iteration, p points to the head of the reversed part of the list and q points to the head of the unreversed part and *p is the former predecessor of *q.
        void Reverse( Node* & head )
          if ( !head ) return;
          Node * p = head;
          Node * q = head->next;
          while (q) {
            Node * r = q->next;
            q->next = p;   // reverse the direction of node *q
            p = q;
            q = r;
          head = p;

Here is the solution for doubly-linked list. Note that fewer scratch pointers are needed because each node knows both its predecessor and successor.

        void Reverse( Node* & head )
          if ( !head ) return;
          do {
            Node * old_next = head->next;
            head->next = head->prev;
            head->prev = old_next;
            if ( !old_next ) break;  // end of list has been reached
            head = old_next;
          } while (true);


Charles Stewart