Data Structures and Algorithms -- CSCI 230
Chapter 4 -- Review Solutions

Suppose each non-leaf node of a m-ary has exactly m children -- in other words, each node of the tree has either exactly 0 or exactly m children. Suppose we build such a tree of height $h \geq
0$ having the minimum possible number of nodes. What is the number of nodes in this ``minimal'' tree? Prove your answer using mathematical induction.

The answer is

m h + 1.

The proof is by induction on $h \geq

Basis case:
For h=0, the formula becomes $m\cdot 0 + 1 = 1$.Since there is only one node in any tree of height 0, the basis case is established.
Induction step:
For all h > 0, if there are m (k-1) + 1 nodes in a minimal m-ary tree of height $0 \leq k < h$, then consider a minimal m-ary tree of height h. Remove the root of this tree. This creates m new trees, m-1 of which have 1 node and one of which is a minimal m-ary of height h-1. If either statement were false, the original tree would not be minimal -- it would have nodes that could be removed from it and it would still satisfy the conditions. Therefore, by the induction hypothesis, the original tree had

m (h-1) + 1 + (m-1) + 1 = m(h-1) + m + 1 = m h + 1


Consider the following binary search tree.

\psfig {figure=g1.eps}

Assuming it is an AVL tree, show the state of the tree after inserting 10 and then again after deleting 28.


\epsfig {file=g1a.eps}

Given an empty AVL tree of integers, show the structure of the tree after each of the values 5, 2, 4, 6, 7, 1, 8 is inserted and then show the change to the resulting tree when 4 is deleted. Indicate where rotations are done to rebalance the tree.


\epsfig {file=q1a_sol.eps}

Given a binary search tree containing n floating point values and having a height that is $O(\log n )$ (i.e. it is balanced), write an algorithm to count the number of nodes storing values greater than x0 and less than x1. What is the running time of your algorithm? (More credit will be given for an efficient algorithm.)

You may assume the following declaration for tree nodes:

    struct TreeNode {
       float x;
       TreeNode * left;
       TreeNode * right;
Start from the following prototype and assume the function is initially passed a pointer to the root:
        int Count( TreeNode * T, float x0, float x1 )


           if ( T == NULL )
              return 0;
           else if ( T->x <= x0 )
              return Count( T->right, x0, x1);
           else if ( T->x >= x1 )
              return Count( T->left, x0, x1);
              return 1 + Count( T->left, x0, x1 ) +
                         Count( T->right, x0, x1 );
Showing that this is in fact $O( \log n + k )$ is a bit tricky, which is why I didn't require you to do this. The basic idea is to count the recursive calls. For each value between x0 and x1 two recursive calls are made. These are calls made at the else statement, resulting in the k part of the $O( \log n + k )$. There are at most $O(\log n )$ recursive calls made following the else if statements. These correspond to walking down the left and right boundaries of the region of the tree containing the values between x0 and x1.

It is possible to turn a sorted array of N floating point values into an AVL tree that is as balanced as possible in O(N) time. Write a function to do this. (Hint: think about which value should be stored at the root.) Assume the following structure declaration for AVL nodes.
    struct Avl_Node {
      float Element;
      Avl_Node *Left;
      Avl_Node *Right;
      int Height;
Your function should calculate the heights of the nodes and it should return a pointer to the root of the tree. You do not need to prove that the result is an AVL tree and you do not need to prove the function requires O(N) time. Here is a prototype
     Avl_Node * ArrayToAVLTree( float values[], int N  )


Avl_Node * ArrayToAVLTree( float values[], int N  )
   return ArrayToAVLTree( values, 0, N-1 );

Avl_Node * ArrayToAVLTree( float values[], int low, int high )
    if ( low > high ) return NULL;
    int mid = (low+high)/2;
    Avl_Node * node = new Avl_Node;
    node->Element = values[mid];
    node->Left = ArrayToAVLTree( values, low, mid-1 );
    node->Right = ArrayToAVLTree( value, mid+1, high );
    int h1 = ( node->Left == NULL ? -1 : node->Left->Height );
    int h2 = ( node->Right == NULL ? -1 : node->Right->Height );
    node->Height = 1 + max(h1,h2);
    return node;


Charles Stewart