
Coding Guidelines

You must be familiar with the project coding guidlines. Failure to follow the guidelines will result in lost credit on the projects, even if your program works correctly.
These guidelines may be modified as the semester progresses; review them before each project. They were last changed on 11 Jan 1999.


To reduce anxiety about the guidelines, the percentage has been lowered from 15% to 5%. Under certain circumstances, some of the coding guidelines are not appropriate.  The guidelines on comments are always appropriate and should never be ignored. Part of the project is to determine if a guideline is important and then figure out how to implement the guideline.  If you are convinced that a guideline is not important and you are afraid you'll lose credit for not including it, you should explain (in your comments) why you ignored the guideline.  This doesn't guarantee that you won't lose credit, especially if the guideline is essential, but it may improve your guideline grade if your argument is valid  Following the guidelines will make your code more readable and more extendable (which is an important part of programming).  To get a perfect grade you must seriously consider the guidelines, but you can still earn an A grade if you fail to follow the guidelines.

It is essential to thoroughly read the entire project description.  Ignorance is no excuse.  All submissions should include a readme file and a makefile. The TA's have the right to reduce your grade for not including these essential items.

Project 4 Final Submission Deadline : Thursday, April 27 at 11:59:59 pm

Grading Criteria

Project 3 [postscript] Final Submission Deadline (extended): Sunday, April 2 at 11:59:59 pm

Project 2 [postscript]

Bug fix: You should make the variable outfile in main.cpp static to avoid a possible crash when your program exits.

Example code given in Eric Breimer's lecture Feb.17

Note:  Only valid submission recieved before Saturday, Mar. 5 at 1:00 AM were accepted for grading.

Project 1 [postscript]

Example of file I/O code.

Note:  Only valid submissions recieved before Saturday, Feb. 5 at 1:00 AM were accepted for grading.

Here is the section and TA information.

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