``ROSS.Net: An Optimistic Simulation Framework of Large-Scale Internet Models'' D. Bauer, G. Yaun, C. D. Carothers, M. Yuksel, and S. Kalyanaraman Invited Paper, In Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '03), December 2003.


ROSS.Net brings together the four major areas of networking research: network modeling, simulation, measurement and protocol design. ROSS.Net is a tool for computing large scale design of experiments through components such as a discrete-event simulation engine, default and extensible model designs, and a state of the art XML interface. ROSS.Net reads in predefined descriptions of network topologies and traffic scenarios which allows for in-depth analysis and insight into emerging feature interactions, cascading failures and protocol stability in a variety of situations. Developers will be able to design and implement their own protocol designs, network topologies and modeling scenarios, as well as implement existing platforms within the ROSS.Net platform. Also using ROSS.Net, designers are able to create experiments with varying levels of granularity, allowing for the highest-degree of scalability.

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