recitation 21: more evaluation

lexical scoping (static scoping): look up free variables in
  procedure's surrounding lexical environment -- REGULAR SCHEME

dynamic scoping: look up free variables in caller's environment, 
  don't need env pointer any more!!

(define a 1)
(define (b) a)
(define (c a) (lambda (a) (b)))
(define d (c 2))
(d 3)

* draw environment diagram to execute with lexical scoping

* draw environment diagram to execute with dynamic scoping

semantics: what the language *means*, model of computation
syntax: particulars of *writing* expressions
    abstracted by the detectors & accessors
building our own evaluator allows us to modify the syntax and/or
semantics of the language

semantic implementation vs. syntactic transformation (desugar it)

* write a syntactic translator for let*

* write a semantic implementation for let*

* Write an expression to return the following streams:

[ 1 1 1 1 ... ]

[ 1 2 1 2 ... ]

[ 1 2 3 4 ... ]

[ 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 ... ]

* What stream do the following expressions return?

(define alt (cons-stream 0 (interleave integers alt)))

* Write a function that merges two ordered streams of integers, removing
  duplicates as it goes. Assume that each individual stream contains no

(define (merge-stream s1 s2)

* Write a function that removes duplicates from an unordered stream.
  (you may want to use stream-filter)

(define (remove-duplicates s)