Homework 3: RAY TRACING, RADIOSITY, & PHOTON MAPPING TOTAL: [ ?? / 20 ] ** If code does not compile and run as submitted, total score multiplied by 0.5 ** PROGRESS POST (2 required) : [ ?? / 5 ] SPHERE INTERSECTIONS, SHADOWS, & REFLECTION [ ?? / 2 ] ./render -size 200 200 -input reflective_spheres.obj ./render -size 200 200 -input reflective_spheres.obj -num_bounces 1 ./render -size 200 200 -input reflective_spheres.obj -num_bounces 3 -num_shadow_samples 1 RAY TREE VISUALIZATION OF SHADOW & REFLECTIVE RAYS [ ?? / 1 ] DISTRIBUTION RAY TRACING: SOFT SHADOWS & ANTIALIASING [ ?? / 2 ] ./render -size 200 200 -input textured_plane_reflective_sphere.obj -num_bounces 1 -num_shadow_samples 1 ./render -size 200 200 -input textured_plane_reflective_sphere.obj -num_bounces 1 -num_shadow_samples 4 ./render -size 200 200 -input textured_plane_reflective_sphere.obj -num_bounces 1 -num_shadow_samples 9 -num_antialias_samples 9 EXTRA CREDIT: SAMPLING [ ?? ] 1 point for stratified sampling of pixel in image plane 1 point for stratified sampling of soft shadows includes discussion of performance/quality OTHER DISTRIBUTION RAY TRACING EXTRA CREDIT [ ?? ] glossy surfaces, motion blur, or depth of field, etc. BASIC FORM FACTOR COMPUTATION [ ?? / 2 ] Description of method in README.txt. ./render -size 200 200 -input cornell_box.obj RADIOSITY SOLVER [ ?? / 3 ] May be iterative (solution fades in) or done by inverting the form factor matrix. FORM FACTORS WITH VISIBILITY / OCCLUSION RAY CASTING [ ?? / 1 ] ./render -size 300 150 -input l.obj ./render -size 300 150 -input l.obj -num_form_factor_samples 100 ./render -size 300 150 -input l.obj -num_shadow_samples 1 ./render -size 300 150 -input l.obj -num_form_factor_samples 10 -num_shadow_samples 1 ./render -size 200 200 -input cornell_box_diffuse_sphere.obj -sphere_rasterization 16 12 ./render -size 200 200 -input cornell_box_diffuse_sphere.obj -sphere_rasterization 16 12 -num_shadow_samples 1 RADIOSITY EXTRA CREDIT [ ?? ] 1 point for ambient term in radiosity 1-2 points for new test scene or visualization 1 point for writing the ray traced image to a file 1-3 points extra credit for performance improvements 1-3 points for other ray tracing effects 1-3 points for gradient or discontinuity meshing in radiosity PHOTON DISTRIBUTION [ ?? / 2 ] Shoots photons into the scene and the visualization looks reasonable (the heart shape can be seen in the ring). ./render -size 200 200 -input reflective_ring.obj -num_photons_to_shoot 10000 -num_bounces 2 -num_shadow_samples 10 ./render -size 200 200 -input reflective_ring.obj -num_photons_to_shoot 500000 -num_bounces 2 -num_shadow_samples 10 -num_antialias_samples 4 RAY TRACING WITH PHOTONS [ ?? / 2 ] Searching for photons in the kdtree to use in ray tracing. The caustic ring is visible, and there are no significant artifacts in illumination. PHOTON MAPPING MATCHES RADIOSITY [ ?? ] The intensity and color bleeding of photon mapping for indirect illumination are correctly weighted and closely matches the results from radiosity. 2 points extra credit. ./render -size 200 200 -input cornell_box_diffuse_sphere.obj -num_photons_to_shoot 500000 -num_shadow_samples 500 -num_photons_to_collect 500 OTHER EXTRA CREDIT [ ?? ] 1-2 points for new test scene or visualization 1 point for writing the ray traced image to a file 1-3 points extra credit for performance improvements 2-5 points for irradiance caching