left mouse button: click to create a new assembly at the red crosshairs or to select an existing assembly
middle mouse button or wheel: click and drag vertically to move the z-plane
right mouse button: click and drag to orbit around the world center

1: visualize all elements
2: connected elements only
3: unconnected elements only
4: bubble diagram only
0: toggle GUI on/off
w: write .DXF file (in Processing only)
space: toggle rotation on/off
-: zoom out
+/=: zoom in

select two assemblies to create a spring between them
move the slider bar to change the collision radius of the next new assembly

Spacial Collider v0.4
This sketch was written by Allan Willliam Martin in Processing alpha 68 with hooks, utilizing PSystem, DXFout, and Arcball libraries written by Simon Greenwold.
Source code
Built with Processing