./logo/cs1.jpg (4503 bytes) Grades


Course Description

Contact Info



Grade Posting

Lab Homeworks





Your assignment grades will be available through WebCT. The graded work can usually be picked up 1-2 weeks after the due date from your TA.

Please do not email either myself or the TA's to obtain your grades. Because of logistic issues with a class of this size, we cannot be individually emailing student grades and scores etc.

WebCT is your secure way to keep track of your scores. It is your responsibility to keep track of your own scores. If you see some problem, contact your TA first. If it does not get resolved, then contact the professor. If you feel based on your scores that you are not doing as well as you should be, then seek help sooner rather than later.

Your grade is based upon your scores in the various types of assignments, and you can estimate what your grade might be based on the thresholds posted on the Grading webpage.

If you do not pick up your graded work, it will be disposed of at the end of the semester.