Home Work 7

This Home work is about NP-complete, Backtracking and Local Heuristics. This Home work is Due on Monday Decemebr 1st 2014.
  1. Problem 8.1 (DG)
  2. Problem 8.4 (all parts) For problem d Give an O(|V|4) algorithm - online version has the correct statement and the printed version contains a mistake.(DG)
  3. Problem 8.10 a and b (DG)
  4. Implement the k-cluster algorithm (in page 280 in printed version) in page 277 (pdf version found in here ) for finding k clusters in C++ and test it with Samplehw10data The first is an x-co-ordinate (lattitude and the second one is y co-ordinate (Longitude) and the third field is the city name. (This data is taken from airports across the united states) Submit a listing of your program and results (city number and cluster they are in) with 50 clusters. Here is another data set Data (in 2d) with 20 clusters Submission Guidelines
    Submit a  copy of your programs to WebCT and a readme file 
    (containing 1. a short instruction on how to compile and use your program,and
    2. comment your code nicely).
    and a sample output for each of the data set.
    Again it is for TA's grading efficiency.