Home Work 7

This Home work is about NP-complete, Backtracking and Local Heuristics, Linear Programming and Network Flows. Do any Three Problems. Home work is Due on Monday May 11, 2015
  1. Problem 8.1 (DG)
  2. Problem 8.4 (all parts) For problem d Give an O(|V|4) algorithm - online version has the correct statement and the printed version contains a mistake.(DG)
  3. Problem 8.10 a and b (DG)
  4. Problem 9.4 (DG)
  5. Problem 9.6 (DG)
  6. Problem 7.1 (DG)
  7. Problem 7.2 (DG)
  8. Problem 7.3 (DG)
  9. Problem 7.4 (DG)
  10. Problem 7.10 (DG)