66-2964-01 Programming in Perl

Fall 1997, Wednesday 4-5:50 PM, Oct. 15 - Dec. 3, DCC 324


Prerequisites: The formal prerequisite for this course is 66.110 or 66.112 (Computer Science I). However, if you are very familiar with at least one high-level programming language ( e.g., C, Pascal, or FORTRAN), that is also a satisfactory prerequisite. If you have no knowledge of any high-level programming language or have never taken an introductory course in computer science, I would advise against taking this course.

Course Home Page: http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~ziantzl/perl.html

Required Textbooks:

Learning Perl, 2nd Edition

R. L. Schwartz and T. Christiansen, O'Reilly, 1997.

Programming Perl, 2nd Edition

L. Wall, T. Christiansen, and R. L. Schwartz, O'Reilly, 1996.

Test Schedule:


Grading: There will be a homework, two programming assignments, a test, and an exam. Weights are shown on the following chart:


Grades will be assigned based on the following scale:


General Course Policies:

Course Policies Regarding Exams: Course Policies Regarding Programming Projects: Academic Integrity:

Louis Ziantz