Spring 98 - Programming in Perl - Section 1
Project Submission Guidelines
Instructor: Louis Ziantz

You may carry out your project development work on any machine. But ultimately it must compile and execute with and run. All projects will be graded on an IBM workstation. Your projects must be submitted electronically as described below. Be sure that the following information is at the top of each source file you are submitting in the form of a comment:

All programming assignments should be fully tested to make sure they meet the specification of the project or homework. When testing your programs you should record your session using the utility script. The naming convention for the script should include the extension .scr . The script should include:

The script utility logs everything you type into a file called typescript. You can change the name of the typescript to file.scr for example using the UNIX mv command. When you want to end the log make sure you type exit. A common mistake is to start a script, and then start another script within the first without having exited first. This will generally not behave as you desire.

Submission Scripts:

Before you can submit the first program of the semester, you must run the following command:

You should run it only once this semester. The command will create the directories that your programs are to be placed in when you are ready to submit them, and will give the teaching assistants and instructor read and list access for those directories. It will also set up a link allowing you to execute the script necessary to submit your programs.

The command that you use to create the directory structure creates a directory named Perl_Proj in your home directory. Under the Perl_Proj directory are separate directories for each programming assignment in the Programming in Perl course. Those directories are named Perl1, Perl2, and Perl3. The submission script will place your program files into the appropriate directory after you execute it.

You should develop and test each homework and project in a separate directory so you do not confuse them and also to make it easier for you to correctly submit them. Do not develop your programs in the submission directories. Once you have fully tested your assignment and you are sure it is the final version[*], submit your work using the script named:


If you have run the create script then a link should be in your path (bin directory) to the Perl_submit executable.

Submission Outline

In some directory (not any of the submission directories), design, code, and thoroughly test your program (on any machine) using the utility script as describe above.
cd to the directory containing the files you would like to submit. Make sure these are the only files in this directory. The script Perl_submit will copy all of the files from this directory to the submission directory.

Issue the command Perl_submit and answer appropriately. This program will prompt you for which assignment you are submitting. This will also notify the TA of your submission.

Do NOT modify any of the files in the submission directory for this programming assignment. If it is necessary for you to make changes to your code, change the copy that is not in the submission directory (if you follow the procedure described, then they should be the same as the files that you have submitted). When the changes have been completed, repeat the submission procedure. When you submit, the TA is notified by email of the date, time, and size of all the files in your submission directory. If any of these values change in your submission directory, your project will not be graded, and you will not receive credit for the assignment.

Louis Ziantz