Programming in Perl Lecture 3 Examples

Formated print statement:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

$string = "Hello world";
$integer = 785;
$float = 134.675;
printf("%20s %d %10.2f\n", $string, $integer, $float);
# full list of possible formats pp. 222-223 Programming Perl


         Hello world 785     134.68<newline>

Regular Expressions:

Predefined Character Classes:

                       Equivalent     Negated   Equivalent 
Name        Construct     Class      Construct    Class
----        ---------  ----------    ---------  ----------
Digit          \d      [0-9]            \D      [^0-9]      
Word char      \w      [a-zA-Z0-9_]     \W      [^a-zA-Z0-9_]
Space char     \s      [ \r\t\n\f]      \S      [^ \r\t\n\f]


Construct             Allowed Range
---------             -------------
{n, m}                Pattern must occur AT LEAST n times
                      but NO MORE than m times
{n,}                  Pattern must occur AT LEAST n times
{n}                   Pattern must occur EXACTLY n times
*                     0 or more times (same as {0,})
+                     1 or more times (same as {1,})
?                     0 or 1 times (same as {0,1})

Use of multipliers:

      /a{4,6}/   # matches 4, 5, or 6 a's in string
      /a{4,}/    # matches 4 or more a's in string
      /a{4}/     # matches exactly 4 a's in string
      /a{0,4}/   # matches 0 to 4 a's (4 or fewer) in string

      /foo{3}/   # matches foooo (or longer) in string, for example,
                 # if $_ = "fooooo", the match operator also returns a 1
                 # Note : once foooo is matched and a 1 is returnd, 
                 # the entire string is sometimes said to be ``matched''
      /(foo){3}/ # matches foofoofoo in string

                Read-Only Variables used with Regexes

        Name        Perl Variable   Holds copy of
        ----        -------------   -------------
        Match            $&         substring matched in string
        Prematch         $`         portion of string before 
                                      matched substring
        Postmatch        $'         portion of string after 
                                      matched substring
        Note that these variables are modified each time a 
        regex search is done.

        $_ = "baaad";                    $_ = "baaaad";

        if (/a{4}/) {                    if (/a{4}/) {
          print("$&\n");                   print("$&\n");
          print("$`\n");                   print("$`\n");
          print("$'\n");                   print("$'\n");
        }                                }
        # nothing is printed; pattern    # prints: 
        # doesn't match any portion      # aaaa<newline> 
        # of the string                  # b<newline>
                                         # d<newline>

        $_ = "baaaaad";                  $_ = "baaaaad";

        if (/a{4}/) {                    if (/[^a]*a{4}[^a]*/) {
          print("$&\n");                   print("$&\n");
          print("$`\n");                   print("$`\n");
          print("$'\n");                   print("$'\n");
        }                                }
        # prints:                        # prints nothing
        # aaaa<newline>                  # baaaa<newline>
        # b<newline>                     # <newline>
        # ad<newline>                    # ad<newline>

        $_ = "baaaaad";                  $_ = "baaaad";

        if (/[^a]+a{4}[^a]+/) {          if (/[^a]+a{4}[^a]+/) {
          print("$&\n");                   print("$&\n");
          print("$`\n");                   print("$`\n");
          print("$'\n");                   print("$'\n");
        }                                }
        # prints:                        # prints: 
        # nothing is printed; pattern    # baaaad<newline>
        # doesn't match any portion      # <newline>
        # of the string                  # <newline>

Greedy vs. Lazy Regex Evaluation:




        /\w*foo/ # matches entire barbarbarfoobarfoobarfoo
                 # greedy evaluation by default; \w* goes
                 # to the end of the string, then it has to
                 # backtrack to check for 'f' followed by 'o'
                 # followed by 'o'


        /\w*foo/ # matches foobarfoobarfoo portion
                 # the \w* was happy with the first
                 # part of the string until it hit the !
                 # then it had to restart processing

        "a xxx c xxxxx c xxx d"
        /a.*c.*d/ # the first .* matches up to the 
                  # the SECOND 'c' ; leftmost is greediest




        /\w*?foo/ # matches barbarbarfoo
                  # forces lazy evaluation; \w* matches
                  # only to the first 'f', then it starts
                  # checking for an 'o' followed by
                  # another 'o'


        "a xxx c xxxxx c xxx d"
        /a.*?c.*d/ # the first .*? now matches up to the 
                   # the FIRST 'c'; the rest is picked
                   # up by the next .*

Parentheses as memory:

$_ = "apples pears peaches plums";
# matches 0 or more word characters followed by
# 1 or more space characters, etc.
print ("$1\n$2\n$3\n");



$_ = "apples pears peaches plums";
# matches 0 or more word characters followed by
# 0 or more word characters, etc.
print ("$1\n$2\n$3\n");



Reusing a previously matched pattern:

$_= "axxyxxb";
if (/a.{5}b/) {
  print("any five: $&\n");
# condition will evaluate to false
if (/a(.)\1{4}b/) {
  print("same five: $&\n");

$_ = "<B> bold text </B>";
if (/<([a-zA-Z0-9]*?)>.*?<\/\1>/) {
  print("bold: $&\n");
$_ = "<i> italic text </i>";
if (/<([a-zA-Z0-9]*?)>.*?<\/\1>/) {
  print("italic: $&\n");

( ) vs (?: ):

        $_ = "apples pears peaches plums";
        # matches 0 or more word characters followed by
        # 0 or more word characters, etc.
        print ("$1\n$2\n$3\n");
        # $1 is assigned to by the first (),
        # not the (?:); prints
        Use of uninitialized value at ./parens.plx line 7.


    Anchor Pattern      Meaning
    --------------      -------
    ^                   Matches pattern only at beginning of string
    $                   Matches pattern only at end of string
    \b                  Matches pattern at a word boundary 
                        (between characters that match \w and \W)
    \B                  Matches pattern except at a word boundary
    (?=regex)           Matches pattern if engine would match <regex> next
    (?!regex)           Matches pattern if engine wouldn't match <regex> next


     /^Al/;   # matches Al iff Al is at start of string
              # "Al said hi" match
              # "Hi Al" no match
     /Al$/;   # matches Al iff Al is at end of string
              # "Al said hi" no match
              # "Hi Al" match "Hi Al\n" match as well

     # word boundaries ; note : hello_there is a word
     #                          9.9 are two different words

     /Al\b/;   # "Al said hi" match
               # "Albert said hi" no match
     /\bAl/;   # "Hi Allen" match
               # "Mr. vanAllen" no match
     /\bAl\b/; # "Al" match
               # "Albert said hi" no match
               # "Mr. vanAllen" no match
     /\bAl\B/; # "Albert said hi" match
               # "Al said hi" no match

     # last two called lookahead anchors

     /Bill (?=The Cat|Gates)/; # matches substring only in strings 
                               # in which "The Cat" or "Gates" comes
                               # after "Bill "


     /Bill (?!The Cat|Gates)/; # matches substring only in strings 
                               # in which neither "The Cat" nor "Gates" 
                               # comes after "Bill "


      regex Grouping Precedence

      Name                      Representation
      ----                      --------------                  
      Parentheses               ( ) (?: )
      Multipliers               ? + * {m,n} ?? +? *? {m,n}?
      Sequence & anchoring      abc ^ $ (?= ) (?! )
      Alternation               |

      Examples of use of parentheses:

      hi*                 # matches "h", "hi", "hii", "hiii", ...
                          # within a string
      (hi)*               # matches "", "hi", "hihi", ...
                          # within a string       

      /^fee|fie|foe$/;    # matches "fee" at beginning of the string
                          # "fie" anywhere OR "foe" at the end of the
                          # string
      /^(fee|fie|foe)$/;  # matches a string consisting solely of
                          # "fee" , "fie" or "foe"

      /to(nite|night)/    # matches 'tonite' or 'tonight'
      /toni(te|ght)/      # same as above; more efficient

Pattern Binding Operator (=~):

      $name = "Joe Smith";
      if ($name =~ /Ren|Stimpy/) {
        print ("Goodnight $&\n");

      # can be used on anything that yields a scalar value
      do {
        # stuff
        print("Continue (y/n)?");
      } until (<STDIN> =~ /^[nN]/);

    -- ignoring case (case insensitivity)

      do {
        # stuff
        print("Continue (y/n)?");
      } until (<STDIN> =~ /^n/i);


        # basic format:

        $_ = "foot fool buffoon";
        # $_ is now "bart fool buffon"
        # changes first match encountered

        $_ = "foot fool buffoon";
        # $_ is now "bart barl bufbarn"
        # changes all matches encountered (global)

        $_ = "foOt Fool buffOon";
        # $_ is now "bart barl bufbarn"
        # changes all matches encountered (global)
        # case insensitive

        $_ = "hello world";
        $new = "goodbye";
        # replaces hello with goodbye

# use of x to allow commenting
$number = 9999999999;
$number =~ s/
    (\d{1,3})        # before a comma: one to three digits
    (?=              # followed by, but not part of what's matched
       (?:\d\d\d)+   #    some number of triplets...
       (?!\d)        #    ...not followed by another digit
    )                # (which ends the number)
    /$1,/gx;         # x allows regular expression to be broken
                     # across lines and comments to be inserted
# the result printed is 9,999,999,999

Variable interpolation and regexes:

$none_found = 1;
@lines = ("toy joy", "camel llama", "susan roy");

print("Enter a word to search for: ");  
chomp($search_str = <STDIN>);
# continued on next page ...

# search through array for $search_str
# as if it were a single word
print("Lines containing $search_str:\n");
foreach $line (@lines) {
  if ($line =~ /\b$search_str\b/) {
    print ("$line\n");
    $none_found = 0;
if($none_found) {
  printf("(no lines contained $search_str)\n");

Use of Quote Escape to Backslash Escape Regex Pattern Characters:

  -- \Q : the quote escape

  $what = "[box]";
  foreach (qw (in[box] out[box] white[sox])) {
    if (/\Q$what\E/) {
      print ("$_ matched!\n");
  # matches [box] of 'in[box]' and 'out[box]' 
  # without \Q, would match  b  of 'in[box]',  o  of 'out[box]'
  # and  o  of 'white[sox]'

Example regex (recognizes complex numbers) :
$digit = '\d';
$digits = "$digit+";
# omitting definition of float
$int = "[+-]?$digit+";
$real = "(?:$float|$int)";
$imag = "(?:${real})?i";
$opt_spaces = '\s*';  
# qq double quotes everything between < and >;
# this is always treated as a single string
# characters other than <> may be used
$complex = qq<
    $real            # real part
    $opt_spaces      # 0 or more spaces
    [+-]             # + or -
    $opt_spaces      # 0 or more spaces
    $imag            # imaginary part

# strip comments out of string
$complex =~ s/#.*//g;
# strip spaces and newlines out of string
$complex =~ s/\s+//g;

# continued on the next page ...

print("Enter a string to test: ");
chomp($test = <STDIN>);
while ($test ne "") {
  if ( $test =~ /$complex/ ) {
    print $test, " contains the complex number $& \n";
  }  else {
    print $test, " does NOT contain a complex number\n";
  print("Enter a string to test: ");
  chomp($test = <STDIN>);


      $line = "Betty Boop:555-5555:1 Boop Lane::100000";
      # split line use : as delimiter
      @fields = split(/:/,$line);
      # @fields is ("Betty Boop", "555-5555", "1 Boop Lane",
      #             "", "100000")

      @fields = split(/:+/,$line);
      # @fields is ("Betty Boop", "555-5555", "1 Boop Lane",
      #             "100000")

      # empty trailing fields are ignored
      $line = "Betty Boop:555-5555:1 Boop Lane:100000:";
      # split line use : as delimiter
      ($name,$phone,$address,$salary,$dob) = split(/:/, $line);
      # $dob is undef


      # @fields is ("Betty Boop", "555-5555", "1 Boop Lane",
      #             "100000")
      # put $line back together
      $gluedline = join(":", @fields);
      # "Betty Boop:555-5555:1 Boop Lane:100000"

      # note: the glue string is just a string NOT a regex

      # to get glue in front of a list as well
      $result = join("+", "", @fields);
      # "" is treated as the empty element to be glued
      # with the first data element of @fields
      # $result is "+Betty Boop+555-5555+1 Boop Lane+100000";

      # to get glue in back of a list as well
      $result = join("+", @fields, "");
      # "" is treated as the empty element to be glued
      # with the last  data element of @fields
      # $result is "Betty Boop+555-5555+1 Boop Lane+100000+";

Louis Ziantz