Programming in Perl Lecture 6 Examples

  Taken from T H E   B A R E   B O N E S   G U I D E   T O   H T M L 
                              by Kevin Werbach

URL    URL of an external file (or just file name if in the same directory)
?      Arbitrary number (i.e. <H?> means <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, etc.)
***    Arbitrary text (i.e. ALT="***" means fill in with text)    
|      Alternatives (i.e. ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER means pick one of these)

GENERAL  (all HTML documents should have these)
       Document Type    <HTML></HTML>      (beginning and end of file)
       Title            <TITLE></TITLE>    (must be in header;
Netscape displays this at the top of the Netscape window)
       Header           <HEAD></HEAD>      (descriptive info, such as title)
       Body             <BODY></BODY>      (bulk of the page)

STRUCTURAL DEFINITION  (appearance controlled by the browser's preferences)
       Heading          <H?></H?>          (the spec. defines 6
levels; headings are displayed in larger and/or bolder
fonts than normal body text; H1 is largest)
       Emphasis         <EM></EM>          (usually displayed as italic)
       Strong Emphasis  <STRONG></STRONG>  (usually displayed as bold)
       Author's Address <ADDRESS></ADDRESS>
(See website for more)

PRESENTATION FORMATTING  (author specifies text appearance)
       Bold             <B></B>
       Italic           <I></I>
       Typewriter       <TT></TT>          (displays in a typewriter font)
       Preformatted     <PRE></PRE>        (display text spacing as-is)
       Center           <CENTER></CENTER>  (for both text and images)
(See website for more)

       Paragraph        <P></P>            (skips lines before and
after text; closing tag often unnecessary)
       Line Break       <BR>               (a single carriage return)
       Horizontal Rule  <HR>               (like BR but draws a line)
(See website for more)

(See website)

       Link Something   <A HREF="URL"></A>     
(example: <A HREF=""> Click Me </A>)   
       Link to Target   <A HREF="URL#***"></A>  (if in another document)
                          <A HREF="#***"></A>     (if in current document)
       Define Target    <A NAME="***"></A> 
(example: <A NAME="loc"> Some text to jump to </A>
          <A HREF="#loc"> Goto loc in same file </A> 
       Display Image    <IMG SRC="URL">   
(See website for more)

(See website plus more info at <>)

SPECIAL CHARACTERS  (these must all be in lower case)
(Complete list at <>)

Notes on CGI scripts:

      -- in a form, each input field has a name and an associated
      value (which the user has entered)

      -- the form itself is associated with a CGI program that
      processes the form input

      -- when the form is submitted, the browser creates a QUERY
      STRING consisting of NAME=VALUE pairs; it is either tacked on to
      the end of the URL of the CGI program or made available to the
      CGI script via STDIN, e.g.,

      -- the CGI program takes these arguments, performs some
      processing, and usually returns HTML code to the server

      -- the format in which CGI program expects to receive its
      arguments from the browser via the sever is governed by the
      Common Gateway Interface specification

      -- CGI is not just limited to forms, can write the following
      HTML code

Click <A HREF="">here</A> to
receive your fortune.

      -- the HTML document can also pass arguments to the CGI program
<A HREF="">
<A HREF="">
<!-- the user can select between getting a fortune or the date -->

HTML form to enter a name:


    <TITLE>Hello World Form</TITLE>

    <H1>What is your name?</H1>
    <FORM ACTION="hello2.cgi" METHOD="POST"  ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
      Name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name" VALUE="">
      <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="submit"> 
      <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="clear">


Script to say hello (name comes from form given above):

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Personalized greeting cgi script
use strict;
use CGI qw(param);

print <<End_of_Start;
Content-type: text/html


    <TITLE>Hello World</TITLE>

    <H1>Get ready for a hearty hello...</H1>

my($name) = param("name");
print("    <P>HELLO \U$name\E!</P>");
print <<All_Done;


Same script using

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# hello cgi script with functions used 
# to produce HTML
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
print header(), start_html("Hello World");
print h1("Get ready for a hearty hello...");

my($name) = param("name");
print p("HELLO \U$name\E!");

print end_html(); Import Tags:

Tag          Methods Imported
----------   ---------------- 
:cgi         CGI parameter-handling methods
:form        Form generating methods
:html2       Methods to generate HTML 2.0 elements
:html3       Methods to generate HTML 3.0 elements
:netscape    Netscape-specific extensions
:shortcuts   html2 + html3 + netscape      
:standard    html2 + form + cgi
:all         everything

Basic HTML element generation:

Methods that generate begin/end sequences for HTML documents

Method                 Returns
--------------         ---------------- 
header()               "Content type: text/html\n\n"
start_html($string)    HTML source to start a document 
                       (<HTML> <HEADER> <TITLE> $string </TITLE> </HEADER> <BODY>)
end_html()             HTML source to end a document 
                       (</BODY> </HTML>)

Commonly used HTML element generating methods (may be placed between
start_html and end_html)

Method                 Returns
--------------         ---------------- 
p($string)             $string list in HTML paragraph (<P>$string</P>)
h1($string)            $string as HTML header 1 [largest] (<H1>$string</H1>)
br()                   an HTML line break (<BR>)
hr()                   an HTML horizontal rule (<HR>)
b($string)             $string set in HTML bold face (<B>$string</B>)
i($string)             $string set in HTML italic face (<I>$string</I>)

Note: $string can be replaced with a comma-separated list in most

HTML form generation:

Methods that generate begin/end sequences for HTML forms

Method                 Returns
--------------         ---------------- 
start_form()           HTML source to start a form (default
                       script to be executed: current cgi script, 
                       default method: POST)
end_form()             HTML source to end a form

Reference list of methods that generate HTML form elements

Text Entry: textfield, textarea, password_field
Checkboxes: checkbox, checkbox_group, radio_group
Lists/Menus: popup_menu, scrolling_list
Buttons: submit, reset

(More details to come.)

Script to generate AND process a form (add.cgi):

#Learning Perl Appendix A, Exercise 19.1
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
print header(), start_html("Add Me");
print h1("Add Me");
if(param()) {
    my $n1 = param('field1');
    my $n2 = param('field2');
    my $n3 = $n2 + $n1;
    print p("$n1 + $n2 = ", b($n3), "\n");
} else {
    print hr(), start_form();
    print p("First Number:", textfield("field1"));
    print p("Second Number:", textfield("field2"));
    print p(submit("add"), reset("clear"));
    print end_form(), hr();
print end_html();

HTML generated by else portion of add.cgi [modified from original]:

<!-- header() -->
<!-- start_html("Add Me") -->
    <TITLE>Add Me</TITLE>
    <!-- h1("Add Me") -->
    <H1>Add Me</H1>
    <!-- hr() -->
    <!-- start_form() -->
    <FORM METHOD="POST"  ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
      <!-- p("First Number:", textfield("field1")) -->
      First Number: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="field1" VALUE="">
      <!-- p("Second Number:", textfield("field2")) -->
      Second Number: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="field2" VALUE="">
      <!-- p(submit("add"), reset("clear")) -->
      <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="add" VALUE="add"> 
      <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="clear">
    <!-- end_form() -->
    <!-- hr() -->
  <!-- end_html() -->

The Class CGI

# Adapted from Lincoln D. Stein., How To Set Up and Maintain a Web Site
use CGI qw(:standard);

$query = CGI->new();
print $query->header();
print $query->start_html('Skeleton Script');

unless ($query->param()) {
} else {

print $query->end_html();

# --------------------- subroutines --------------------
# print the prompt
sub display_prompt {
    my ($query) = $_[0];
    print $query->h1("Skeleton Script");
    print $query->hr();
    print $query->start_form();
    print $query->p("Type something: ",$query->textfield('something'));
    print $query->submit();
    print $query->end_form();

# do the processing
sub process_query {
    my($value) = $query->param('something');
    print "The value returned is $value\n";
    print p(b("Your code here!")), "\n";

More Verbose Calling Sequences

      -- instead of 

    print $query->p("Type something: ",$query->textfield('something'));

           we could have written

    print $query->p("Type something: ",
                    $query->textfield( -NAME => 'something' ));

      -- the -NAME is called a named parameter; what follows the => is
called a parameter value

      -- these types of actual argument lists allow arguments to be
passed in any order while being more descriptive

      -- of course you have to know the proper literal names to use
named parameters

Example of Named Calling Sequence

print $query->scrolling_list(
        -NAME => "flavors",
        -VALUES => [ qw(mint chocolate cherry vanilla peach) ],
        -LABELS => {
           mint => "Mighty Mint",
           chocolate => "Cherished Chocolate",
           cherry => "Cheery Chery",
           vanilla => "Very Vanilla",
           peach => "Perfectly Peachy",
        -SIZE => 3,  
        -MULTIPLE => 1,

     -NAME : string which can be used to retrieve user data from the
form with param()

     -VALUES : a reference to an array which contains a list of the
possible values passed back to the CGI script (accessible using
param() with the appropriate name string)

     -LABELS : a reference to a hash which relates the values defined
above to the labels actually displayed to the user in the scrolling
list (optional)

     -SIZE : an integer giving the number of list items displayed to
the user at one time (optional)

     -MULTIPLE : set to 1 (true) to allow the user to choose more than
one item (false means the user can select only one item)

     -DEFAULT : [not used here] selects values that are highlighted as
already selected when the user first looks at the list (optional)

Instead on anonymous hash...

%flavors = (
           mint => "Mighty Mint",
           chocolate => "Cherished Chocolate",
           cherry => "Cheery Chery",
           vanilla => "Very Vanilla",
           peach => "Perfectly Peachy",

print $query->scrolling_list(
        -NAME => "flavors",
        -LABELS => \%flavors,
        -VALUES => [ keys %flavors ],
        -SIZE => 3,
        -MULTIPLE => 1,

Example List of Widgets and Parameters

      -- TEXTFIELD

        o prompts for a single line of text input

    print $query->p("Name:",$query->textfield( 
                               -NAME => 'something',
                               -DEFAULT => 'unknown', 
                               -SIZE => 20, 
                               -MAXLENGTH => 80 

    -NAME : as for scrolling list 
    -DEFAULT : starting value displayed in field (optional)
    -SIZE : size of the field in characters (optional)
    -MAXLENGTH : maximum number of characters accepted (optional)


        o as textfield (characters entered appear as stars)

    print $query->p("Password:",$query->password_field( 
                                -NAME => 'secret',
                                -VALUE => 'swordfish', 
                                -SIZE => 20, 
                                -MAXLENGTH => 80 

    -NAME : as for scrolling list 
    -VALUE : starting value displayed in field, as textfield -DEFAULT (optional)
    -SIZE : size of the field in characters (optional)
    -MAXLENGTH : maximum number of characters accepted (optional)

      -- TEXTAREA

        o prompts for text input, allowing multiple lines
        o displays a rectangular box to enter text into

    print $query->p("Anything to say for yourself?", br(), 
                    $query->textarea( -NAME => 'comments',
                                      -DEFAULT => "A while back...",
                                      -ROWS => 10,
                                      -COLUMNS => 50

    -NAME : as for scrolling list 
    -DEFAULT : as for textfield (optional)
    -ROWS : height in number of lines the text area  will occupy
    -COLUMNS : width in number of characters  the text area  will occupy


        o creates an isolated checkbox
        o user can check the box or leave it unchecked

    print $query->p($query->checkbox( -NAME => 'sample',
				      -CHECKED => 1,
				      -VALUE => 'YES',
				      -LABEL => "Free sample"
		    ), "\n";

    -NAME : as for scrolling list 
    -CHECKED : 1 if the box should start as checked (optional)
    -VALUE : value of the checkbox when checked; default is 'on'
    -LABEL : label to be attached to the box for the user to see ;
default is the name of the box (optional)


        o creates a list of logically related checkboxes

        o any number can be checked or unchecked at once
    print $query->p($query->checkbox_group( 
                      -NAME => 'operating_systems',
                      -VALUES => [ 'IRIX', 'AIX', 'Solaris', 'Sun OS' ],
                      -DEFAULT => [ 'AIX' ],
		      -LINEBREAK => 1,
		   ), "\n";

        o note: param('operating_systems') returns a list of values

    -NAME : as for scrolling list 
    -VALUES : as for scrolling list
    -DEFAULT : reference to a list containing values to be checked at
start or a single value to be checked; default is that nothing is
selected initially (optional)
    -LINEBREAK : set to 1 if boxes are to be displayed on separate
lines; default is single line (optional)
    -LABELS : [not used above] as for scrolling list (optional)

      -- RADIO GROUP

        o creates a list of logically related radio buttons

        o only one radio box can be selected at a time

    print $query->p($query->radio_group(
                     -NAME => 'monty_hall',
                     -VALUES => [ "a new car", "a fabulous trip", "a donkey" ],
                     -DEFAULT => '-',
                     -LINEBREAK => 1,
		     -LABELS => {
                        "a new car" => "door #1",
                        "a fabulous trip" => "door #2",
                        "a donkey" => "door #3",
                   ), "\n";

    -NAME : as for scrolling list 
    -VALUES : as for scrolling list
    -DEFAULT : name of default button to turn on; specify non-existent
button to have none turned on
    -LINEBREAK : as for checkbox group (optional)
    -LABELS : as for scrolling list (optional)

      -- POPUP MENU

        o creates a popup menu the user can select from

        o only one menu item can be selected at a time

    print $query->p($query->popup_menu(
                     -NAME => 'pick',
                     -VALUES => [ "eenie", "meenie", "minie", "moe" ],
                     -DEFAULT => 'minie',
		   ), "\n";

    -NAME : as for scrolling list 
    -VALUES : as for scrolling list
    -DEFAULT : name of default button to turn on; default is first
    -LABELS : [not used above] as for scrolling list (optional)

      -- SUBMIT

        o creates button used to submit the form

        o every form should have one

     -- RESET

        o creates a button to reset the form

        o every form should have one

    print p($query->submit( -NAME => "submit",
                           -VALUE => "go" ),
            $query->reset( -NAME => "clear" )
           ), "\n";

    -NAME : as for scrolling list (also used to label button)
    -VALUE : value returned to CGI script; overrides label given by
name on button [submit only] (optional)

To display current settings of named fields from a form:

sub display_values {
    my(@values, $key);

    print h2("Here are the current settings:"), "\n";
    print hr();

    foreach $key ($query->param()) {

        print b("$key ->");
        @values = $query->param($key);

        print (join("; ", @values), br(), "\n");


To display a simple error page :

# Note that this routine assumes that header() and start_html() have already been called
sub bail {
    my($error) = "@_";

    print h1("Unexpected Error"), "\n";
    print p($error), "\n";
    print end_html(), "\n";;

Locking Files

  use Fcntl qw (:flock);
  # variables imported from Fcntl
  # LOCK_SH -- value for concurrent read lock
  # used when file is open for reading only
  # LOCK_EX -- value for exclusive write lock
  # used when file is open for writing
  # we will talk about bail soon
  open(INFILE, "<$produ_filename") 
    or &bail("Cannot open file $product_filename for input : $!"); 
  # concurrent read lock after opening for read
  # anyone can still read; no one can write 
  flock(INFILE, LOCK_SH) # there is no $ in front of LOCK_SH
    or &bail("Cannot lock file $prod_filename for reading : $!");
  # do stuff 

  # closing unlocks the file
    or &bail("Error in closing file $prod_filename for input : $!");

  open(OUTFILE, ">$orders_filename") 
    or &bail("Cannot open file $orders_filename for output : $!");  
  # exclusive write lock after opening for write
  # no one can write or read
  flock(OUTFILE, LOCK_EX) # there is no $ in front of LOCK_EX
    or &bail("Cannot lock file $orders_filename for writing : $!");  
  # do stuff 

  # closing unlocks the file
    or &bail("Error in closing file $orders_filename for input : $!");

Guestbook example CGI script:

use strict;

use CGI qw(:standard);
use Fcntl qw (:flock);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

my (
    $CHATNAME, # name of guestbook file
    $MAXSAVE,  # how may entries to keep
    $TITLE,    # page title and header
    $cur,     # new entry in guestbook
    @entries,  # all current entries
    $entry     # a particular entry

$TITLE = "Simple Guestbook";
$CHATNAME = "chatfile";

print header(), start_html($TITLE), h1($TITLE);

$cur = CGI->new();
if($cur->param("message")) {
    $cur->param("date", scalar(localtime())); # set to current time
    @entries = ($cur); # initializes an array of pointers

open(CHANDLE, "+<$CHATNAME") or bail("cannot open $CHATNAME: $!");

flock(CHANDLE, LOCK_EX) or bail("cannot lock $CHATNAME: $!");

# grab up to $MAXSAVE old entries, newest first
while ( !eof(CHANDLE) && (@entries < $MAXSAVE) ) {
    $entry = CGI->new(\*CHANDLE); # create a new entry read from the file
    push (@entries, $entry);

# eliminate old entries from the file
seek(CHANDLE, 0, 0) or bail("cannot read $CHATNAME: $!");
foreach $entry (@entries) {
    $entry->save(\*CHANDLE); # save the most recent entries to the file,
                             # with the newest one at the start
truncate(CHANDLE, tell(CHANDLE)) or bail("cannot truncate $CHATNAME: $!");
close(CHANDLE) or bail("cannot close $CHATNAME: $!");

print hr(), start_form();
print p("Name:", $cur->textfield ( -NAME => "name" ) );
print p("Message:", $cur->textfield( -NAME => "message",
				     -OVERRIDE => 1,
				     -SIZE => 50 ) );
print p(submit("send"), reset("clear"));
print end_form(), hr();

print h2("Prior Messages");
foreach $entry (@entries) {
    printf("%s \[%s]: %s", $entry->param("date"),
	                  $entry->param("message") );
    print br();

print end_html();

Louis Ziantz