This three week summer program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation Young
Scholars Program and Rensselaer Polytechnic
Eligible students have:
- Strong mathematical knowledge
- Interest in careers in Math, Computer Science, and related fields
- Completed 11th grade/junior year in high school
- Plans to attend senior year in some high school
Accepted students will:
- Use new computerized math technology to help solve research and
industrial problems and understand ethical issues involved
- Spend the three weeks in residence at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Work with Professors Erich
Kaltofen and Mukkai Krishnamoorthy
- Explore career opportunities
- Participate in cultural and recreational activites
- Share their new knowledge and skills with their fellows students on their
Meet this year's students!
Here is a sample homepage for you to copy to your
directory and fill in.
You can learn about html from introtohtml
for you to look at and copy.
Preliminary Program Schedule
Laboratory Sheets
Sample Maple Programs
MapleHelp in the internet
Contact People:
Mukkai Krishnamoorthy : (518) 276-6911
Erich Kaltofen : (518) 276-6907