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CS 411 Operating System Fundamentals

Project 1: Mini-Shell (msh)
Due Date: 9/21/98

This project is intended to give you insight into implementing a mini command shell interpreter (msh). The shell interpreter will be similar to the Bourne shell or the C shell/bash of Unix. You will learn process creation, implementation of pipes, input/output redirection, background processes, signals, interrupt handling, and the use of some system calls.

Your shell should interpret the following commands:
run <cmd> <arg1> <arg2> ...
bg <cmd> <arg1> <arg2> ...
alias <name> <replacement-command>
kill <pid> [ <pid> ] ...

The shell should issue the prompt ``#'', read one of the above commands from the user and execute them. When the user issues the ``quit'' command, it should terminate the shell.

The above commands are explained below in detail.

quit: 		 		 		 should exit from the shell. 
help: 		 		 		 should display the above message listing usage of all commands.
run: 		 		 		  should execute the command following it. That command may not be              present in
		 		 		 the current directory, in which case your shell should prepend the appropriate
		 		 		 path. The arguments following the command should be passed to the command.
		 		 		 		 		 E.g.       #run cat cat.c
		 		 		 		 		  should execute ``cat'' with one argument ``cat.c''.
		 		 		  $\bullet$ Input and Output redirection should be implemented.
		 		 		 		 		 E.g.       #run cat < cat.c > myfile.c
		 		 		 		 		 should cause ``cat'' program to read form the file ``cat.c'' and              write
		 		 		 		 		  output to the file ``myfile.c''.
		 		 		  $\bullet$ Pipes should be implemented.
		 		 		 		 		  E.g.       #run mycat mycat.c $\mid$ newcat > new.c
		 		 		 		 		 should cause the output of ``mycat mycat.c'' to be the input of
		 		 		 		 		 ``newcat > new.c''.
		 		 		 		 		   There may be more than one pipe in a single command line.
		 		 		  $\bullet$ <Control-C> should abort the command being run, but       not cause  exit from
		 		 		 		 		    the msh. 
bg: 		 		 		 This is similar to run, except that it executes the command in the background.
		 		 		 $\bullet$ Typing <Control-C> should not kill these commands running in the background.
		 		 		 $\bullet$ When any background command terminates, it should be reported.
		 		 		 		 		 E.g.    #bg sleep 55             ; invoke sleep in background
		 		 		 		 		            #run cat < hello.c       ; give other commands
		 		 		 		 		            # ...                           ; some more commands
		 		 		 		 		            # ....                          ; some more commands
		 		 		 		 		          [2] ``sleep'' terminated         ; sleep command is done
		 		 		 $\bullet$ All the background commands issued should be maintained in a process table
		 		 		    in  the msh, so that the program name is displayed when it terminates and for
		 		 		    use in the ``ps'' and ``kill'' commands. 
alias: 		 		 		 Should add the name and replacement-command in an alias table.When run or
		 		 		 bg are invoked with a name in the alias table, then  replacement-command should
		 		 		 be executed. Some pre-existing aliases can be stored in a .alias file. Each linein
		 		 		 the .alias file has the same meaning as the alias command. Before your mish accepts
		 		 		 any commands it should load the information in the .alias file into an alias table.
		 		 		 Any new entries added using the alias command should be checked for consistency
		 		 		 (like possible duplicates). When alias is typed without any arguments, itshould
		 		 		 display the alias table 
ps: 		 		 		 Displays all the active background programs, along withtheir ids. (This id need
		 		 		 not be the same as the actual process id, but could be the index into your process
		 		 		 		 		 E.g.     # ps
		 		 		 		 		       PID       NAME
		 		 		 		 		       [0]       mycat < myfile.c > newfile.c
		 		 		 		 		       [1]       idle 20
		 		 		 		 		       [4]       grep mish < doc $\mid$ wc
kill: 		 		 		 Without any arguments, prints the usage:
		 		 		 		 kill <pid> [<pid> ...]
		 		 		 Otherwise it kills the processes with the ids specified as the         arguments and
		 		 		 display the process killed.
		 		 		 		 		 E.g.      # kill 4
		 		 		 		 		          [4] ``grep'' Killed
		 		 		 		 		           # kill 3 7
		 		 		 		 		          [3] ``cat'' Killed
		 		 		 		 		          [7] ``wc'' Killed 
$\bullet$ Errors should be detected and reported meaningfully. 

Implementation Notes:


You should submit the following:

Grading Policy:

All programs will be tested on the RCS systems. Points break up:
Input redirection 10
Output redirections 10 (2 for good file permissions)
Pipes(both run and bg) 10
run 10 (5 : argument passing,
        2 : correct waiting for compeletion in pipes)
bg 10 (5 : message when child terminates)
ps 5
kill 5

alias 5
<Control-C> trapping 5 (2 for run + 3 for bg)
quit+help 5
Error Handling 5
Documentation 20


Too few/Bad/many comments -10
Convoluted logic -10
Non-modular programming -10

Early submission by 5 days would get 5 extra points. Extremely elegant and concise programs will get bonus points (depending on the elegance).

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