.. _lec20_searching: Lecture 20 — Searching ======================= Overview -------- - Notion of an algorithm - Problems: - Finding the two smallest values in a list - Finding the index of a particular value in a list - Finding the index of a particular value in a **sorted** list - Sorting a list (Lecture 20) - Analyzing our solutions: - Mathematically - Experimental timing Material for Lectures 19 and 20 is in Chapters 10 and 11 of the text. Algorithm --------- - Precise description of the steps necessary to solve a computing problem - Description is intended for people to read and understand - Gradual refinement: - Starts with English sentences - Gradually, the sentences are made more detailed and more like programming statements - Allows us to lay out the basic steps of the program before getting to the details. - A program is an *implementations* of one or more algorithms. Multiple Algorithms ------------------- - Often there are many different algorithms that can solve a problem. - They differ in: - Ease of understanding - Ease of implementation - Efficiency - All three considerations are important and their relative weight depends on the context. Problem 1: Finding the Two Smallest Values in a List ---------------------------------------------------- - Given a list of integers, floats, or any other values that can be compared with a less than operation, find the two smallest values in the list - We need to be careful with this problem formulation: are duplicates allowed? does it matter? Exercise -------- #. Outline two or more approaches to finding the indices of the two smallest values in a list. #. Think through the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. #. Write a more detailed description of the solutions. #. How might your approaches change if we just have to find the values and not the indices? Evaluating Our Solutions Analytically ------------------------------------- We’ve already covered this briefly in Lecture 13. - Count the number of steps as a function of the size of the list. - Usually we use :math:`N` as a variable to indicate this size. - Informally, if the number of operations is (roughly) proportional to :math:`N` we write :math:`O(N)` (read as “order of N”) - If the number of operations is proportional to :math:`N log N` we write :math:`O(N log N)`. - Importantly, the best sorting algorithms are :math:`O(N log N)`. - We will informally apply this analysis to our solution approaches. Evaluating Our Solutions Experimentally --------------------------------------- - Needs: - generate example data, and - time our algorithm implementations. - Experimental data can be generated using the ``random`` module. We will make use of - ``randrange`` - ``shuffle`` - Timing uses the ``time`` module and its ``time`` function, which returns the number of seconds (as a float) since an arbitrary start time called an “epoch”. - We will compute the difference between a start time and an end time as our timing measurement. Exercise -------- - Implement two (or more) algorithms to find the indices of the two smallest values in the list: :: import random import time def index_two_v1( values ): pass # don't do anything; using 'pass' prevents syntax errors def index_two_v2( values ): pass if __name__ == "__main__": n = int(raw_input("Enter the number of values to test ==> ")) values = range(0,n) random.shuffle( values ) s1 = time.time() (i0,i1) = index_two_v1(values) t1 = time.time() - s1 print "Ver 1: indices (%d,%d); time %.3f seconds" %(i0,i1,t1) s2 = time.time() (j0,j1) = index_two_v2(values) t2 = time.time() - s2 print "Ver 2: indices (%d,%d); time %.3f seconds" %(j0,j1,t2) We will experiment with at least two implementations. Searching for a Value --------------------- - Problem: given a list of values, ``L``, and given a single value, ``x``, find the (first) index of ``x`` in ``L`` or determine that ``x`` is not in ``L``. - Basic algorithm is straightforward, and requires :math:`O(N)` steps - We can solve this in Python using a combination of ``in`` and ``find``, or by writing our own loop. - The text book discusses a number of variations on the algorithm. Exercises --------- #. Write a Python function called ``linear_search`` that returns the index of the first instance of ``x`` in ``L`` or determines that it is not there (and returns a -1). #. What if the list is already sorted? Write a modifed version of ``linear_search`` that returns the index of the first instance of ``x`` or the index where ``x`` should be inserted if it is not in ``L`` For example, in the list :: L = [ 1.3, 7.9, 11.2, 15.3, 18.5, 18.9, 19.7 ] the call :: linear_search(11.9, L) should return 3. Binary Search ------------- - If the list is **ordered**, do we have to search it by looking at location 0, then 1, then 2, then 3, ...? - What if we looked at the middle location first? - If the value of ``x`` is greater than that value, we know that the first location for ``x`` is in the **upper half of the list**. - Otherwise, the first location for ``x`` is in the **lower half** of the list - In other words, by making one comparison, we have eliminated half the list in our search! - We can repeat this process of “halving” the list until we reach just one location. Algorithm and Implementation ---------------------------- - We need to keep track of two indices: - ``low``: all values in the list at locations 0..\ ``low``-1 are less than ``x`` - ``high``: all values in the list at locations ``high`` ..\ ``N`` are greater than or equal to ``x``. Write ``N`` as the length of the list. - Initialize ``low = 0`` and ``high = N``. - In each iteration of a while loop - Set ``mid`` to be the average of ``low`` and ``high``. - Update the value of ``low`` or ``high`` based on comparing ``x`` to ``L[mid]``. - Here is the actual code: :: def binary_search( x, L): low = 0 high = len(L) while low != high: mid = (low+high)/2 if x > L[mid]: low = mid+1 else: high = mid return low Exercises --------- #. Using :: L = [ 1.3, 7.9, 11.2, 15.3, 18.5, 18.9, 19.7 ] what are the values of ``low``, ``high`` and ``mid`` each time through the while loop for the calls :: binary_search( 11.2, L ) binary_search( 19.1, L ) binary_search( -1, L) binary_search( 25, L) #. How many times will the loop execute for :math:`N = 1,000` or :math:`N = 1,000,000`? (You will not be able to come up with an exact number, but you should be able to come close.) How does this compare to the linear search? #. Would the code still work if we changed the ``>`` to the ``>=``? Why? #. Modify the code to return a tuple that includes both the index where ``x`` is or should be inserted ``and`` a boolean that indicates whether or not ``x`` is in the list. We will also perform experimental timing runs if we have time at the end of class. Summary ------- - Algorithm vs. implementation - Criteria for choosing an algorithm: speed, clarity, ease of implementation - Timing/speed evaluations can be either analytical or experimental. - Searching for indices of two smallest values - Linear search - Binary search of a list that is ordered.