.. CSCI-1100 Introduction to Computer Science documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jan 14 22:10:55 2014. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. CSCI-1100 Introduction to Computer Science - Fall 2015 ========================================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Detailed schedule of topics for this class Setting the Python environment for this class Weekly Schedule, Lab Section Times & Locations Course Notes Code Developed In Class External links ------------------ - `Piazza for questions/answers related to class, labs, homeworks and homework solutions `_ - Homework submission server & Grades (link to be posted here soon!) - `Recording of Lectures for Fall 2015 `_ Past years ------------ Materials from past including recordings of lectures are available (slightly different schedule of classes): - `Fall 2014 `_ - `Spring 2014 `_ Teaching Staff: ------------------- +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: | **Sibel Adali:** Instructor | | _images/SibelAdali.JPG | | Office Hours: M 3:30-5PM | | | | Lally 313 (adalis@rpi.edu) | | | | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: | **Dean McDaniel:** Head Teaching Assistant | | _images/DeanMcDaniel.JPG | | Office Hours: W 6-8, F 2-4 | | | | Section 5 (mcdanj@rpi.edu) | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: | **Rahul Kumar:** Teaching Assistant | | _images/RahulKumar.jpg | | Office Hours: Th 6-8, F 12-2 | | | | Sections 2 & 3 (kumarr5@rpi.edu) | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: | **Naveen Pasupuleti:** Teaching Assistant | | _images/NaveenP.jpg | | Office Hours: W 6-8, F 2-4 | | | | Sections 6 & 9 (pasupn@rpi.edu) | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: | **Partha Mukherjee:** Teaching Assistant | | _images/ParthaM.jpg | | Office Hours: W 4-6, F 12-2 | | | | Sections 15 & 16 (mukhep@rpi.edu) | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: | **Jeramey Tyler:** Teaching Assistant | | _images/TA.jpg | | Office Hours: T 6-8, W 4-6 | | | | Sections 1 & 4 (tylerj2@rpi.edu) | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: | **Jassiem Ifill:** Teaching Assistant | | _images/TA.jpg | | Office Hours: T 6-8, Th 4-6 | | | | Sections 12 & 13 (ifillj@rpi.edu) | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: | **Young Liu:** Teaching Assistant | | _images/YoungLiu.jpg | | Office Hours: W 6-8, Th 6-8 | | | | Sections 10 & 14 (liuy14@rpi.edu) | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: | **Rhaad Rabbani:** Teaching Assistant | | _images/RhaadRabbani.jpg | | Office Hours: Th 4-6, Th 6-8 | | | | Sections 7 & 8 (rabbar@rpi.edu) | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ Indices and tables ------------------- * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`