Content of Fortran 2000
13 February 1997

1. Required Content of Fortran 2000

Following extensive work in subgroups, and votes in full Plenary (both individual and, where appropriate, by country) WG5 has determined that Fortran 2000 shall contain the following items:
Allocatable components Asynchronous I/O Constructors/destructors
Derived type I/O Floating point exception handling Inheritance
Internationalization Interoperability with C Interval arithmetic
Parameterized derived types Polymorphism Procedure pointers

It is the intention of WG5 that the revised standard shall be published no later than November 2002.

2. Possible Additional Minor Technical Enhancements

WG5 has also authorised J3 to work on the following minor technical enhancements for incorporation in Fortran 2000, subject to the proviso that any work carried out on them does not adversely affect any of the work required to address the major items listed above:

Access to status error messages
Allow PUBLIC entities of PRIVATE type
Command line arguments
Derived type encapsulation
Enhanced complex constants
Extend max/min intrinsics to character
Extended initialization expressions
Generic rate_count in system_clock
IEEE I/O rounding inquiry intrinsics
Increased statement length
Intent for pointer arguments
Mixed case syntax elements
Named scratch files
Passing specific/generic names
PUBLIC and PRIVATE derived type components
Renaming defined operators
Specifying pointer lower bounds
Stream I/O
VOLATILE attribute
WG5 will review this list at every meeting in the light of information provided by J3 regarding the progress on the major items for Fortran 2000, and may reduce it if it feels that this will be necessary in order to meet the publication schedule.