Professor: Boleslaw Szymanski, email szymab@rpi.edu boleslaw.szymanski@gmail.com
Lectures: Tue & Fri 10:00 - 11:40, Amos Eaton 216
Teaching Assistant: Vijay Sadashivaiah, email: sadasv2@rpi.edu
Office Hours: Monday and Thursday 15:00 - 16:00, via webex at link https://rensselaer.webex.com/meet/sadasv2 or the office, by appointments via email
Textbook: Albert Laszlo Barabasi Network Science, Cambridge University Press, 2016
Description: This course introduces Network Science and reviews current research in this field. Classes will interchangeably present chapters from the textbook and the related current research. The emphasis will be on the mathematical background of network science: graphs and networks; random networks and various types of scale-free networks; and on network properties such as assortativity, mobility, and robustness; social networks and communities; and dynamics of network processes.
This is a web page for the class which contains the basic information about the course, lecture notes, assignments and their solutions, and comments. This page will also contain the corrections and general news about the course.
Course Content includes: (i) Mathematical background of network science: graphs and networks, (ii) Random networks and their properties, (iii) The scale-free property, small world networks and Barabasi-Albert model, (iv) Evolving networks, (v) Degree Correlation (vi) Network robustness, and (vii) Social networks and communities.
Overview and Introduction to Network Science (textbook chapter 1)
Overview Introduction to Network Science (pdf)(textbook chapter 1)
Graph Theory II and Random Networks (textbook chapter 2)
Graph Theory II and Random Networks (pdf) (textbook chapter 2)
Polarization in US Congress, Research
Polarization Communities in US Congress, Research (pdf)
Scale_Free_Networks and Barabasi Albert Networks
Scale_Free_Networks and Barabasi Albert Networks (pdf)