Additional information for DVC Homework 2: ------------------------------------------ Part 2, A) and B): The instructions say: "transport the object to a desired position and orientation." The desired position is anywhere between [2.0, 2.0] and [2.5, 2.5]. You may end with any orientation. ------------------------------------------------------------- You might find this code helpful in generating trajectories: // Add this code to App.h as a public method. // // Print (to stdout) the world frame coordinates of a mouse click. void MouseDown(int x, int y, int button) { DVC_AppGL::MouseDown(x, y, button); printf("%f %f\n",mouseControl_.worldX_, mouseControl_.worldY_); } -------------------------------------------------------------------- You may run into a problem when attempting a force closure grasp- the robots tend to roll as seen in this movie: You might want to extend the GripControl class to add torque forces.