Ephraim P. Glinert, Ph.D.
Professor of Computer Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180
Office: 127 Amos Eaton Hall
E-mail: glinert@cs.rpi.edu
Phone: (518) 276 2657
Fax: (518) 276 4033
List of Publications
This page last modified
February 10, 2002
Papers in Refereed Journals and Conferences:
- 1.
- "On Restricted Turing Computability." Math. Sys. Theory
5(4):331-343, 1971.
- 2.
- "A Computer Program for the Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Plane
Slender Bars and Frames" (with A. Pisanty). Computers and
Structures 7:487-492, 1976.
- 3.
- "An Algorithm for the Integral Homology of Certain Topological Groups"
(with E. Katz). Computing 23:38l-39l, 1979.
- 4.
- "A Large Font Virtual Terminal Interface: A Software Prosthesis for the
Visually Impaired" (with R.E. Ladner). CACM 27(6):567-572,
- 5.
- "PICT: An Interactive Graphical Programming Environment" (with S.L.
Tanimoto). IEEE Computer 17(11):7-25, 1984.
- 6.
- "PICT: Experiments in the Design of Interactive, Graphical Programming
Environments." PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, 1985 (Technical
Report 85-01-01, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Washington).
- 7.
- "Designing Iconic Programming Systems: Representation and Learnability"
(with S.L. Tanimoto). In Proc. 1986 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on
Visual Languages (VL'86), Dallas, June 25-27, 1986, pp. 54-60.
- 8.
- "Towards `Second Generation' Interactive, Graphical Programming
Environments." In Proc. 1986 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual
Languages (VL'86), Dallas, June 25-27, 1986, pp. 61-70.
- 9.
- "Toward an Object-Oriented Iconic Environment for Computer Assisted VLSI
Design" (with M.-J. Chung, E.H. Rogers, M. Hardwick and K. Rose). In
Proc. Second IEEE Israel Conference on Computer Systems and Software
Engineering, Tel Aviv, May 6-7, 1987.
- 10.
- "An Integrated Approach to Solving Visual Programming's Problems" (with J.
Gonczarowski and C.D. Smith). In Cognitive Engineering in the Design of
Human-Computer Interaction and Expert Systems (G. Salvendy, editor)--Volume
2, Proc. Second Intl. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI'87),
Honolulu, August 10-14, 1987, pp. 341-348.
- 11.
- "Generalized Halstead Metrics for Iconic Programming?" (with C.D. Smith).
In Proc. 1987 Workshop on Visual Languages (VL'87), Linkoping, Sweden,
August 19-21, 1987, pp. 78-91.
- 12.
- "A (Formal) Model for (Iconic) Programming Environments" (with J.
Gonczarowski). In Proc. Second IFIP Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction
(INTERACT'87), Stuttgart, September 1-4, 1987, pp. 283-290.
- 13.
- "Out of Flatland: Towards Three-Dimensional Visual Programming." In
Proc. ACM/IEEE Fall Joint Computer Conference (FJCC'87), Dallas,
October 25-29, 1987, pp. 292-299.
- 14.
- "MAGNEX: A Text Editor for the Visually Impaired" (with A.R. Vener). In
Proc. 16th Annual ACM Computer Science Conference (CSC'88), Atlanta,
February 23-25, 1988, pp. 402-407. An abridged version of this paper
appeared in SIGCAPH Newsletter #39, Spring 1988, pp. 17-20.
- 15.
- "C2: A Mixed Textual/Graphical Environment for C" (with M.E. Kopache).
In Proc. 1988 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages
(VL'88), Pittsburgh, October 10-12, 1988, pp. 231-238.
- 16.
- "An Experiment into the Use of Auditory Cues to Reduce Visual Workload"
(with M.L. Brown and S.L. Newsome). In Proc. 6th ACM SIGCHI Conf. on
Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'89), Austin, April 30-May 4,
1989, pp. 339-346.
- 17.
- "The User's View of SunPict, an Extensible Visual Environment for
Intermediate-Scale Procedural Programming" (with D.W. McIntyre). In
Proc. 4th IEEE Israel Conference on Computer Systems and Software
Engineering, Tel Aviv, June 5-6, 1989, pp. 49-58.
- 18.
- "High-Level Graphical User Interface Management in the FACE Synthesis
Environment" (with M. Dragomirecky, J. Jasica, D.A. Duff, W.D. Smith and
M.A. d'Abreu). In Proc. 26th Design Automation Conference (DAC'89),
Las Vegas, June 25-29, 1989, pp. 549-554.
- 19.
- "The Design and Implementation of SunPict, a User Extensible Visual
Environment for Intermediate Scale Procedural Programming" (with D.W.
McIntyre). In Designing and Using Human-Computer Interfaces and
Knowledge Based Systems (G. Salvendy and M.J. Smith, editors)--Volume 2,
Proc. Third Intl. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI'89), Boston,
September 18-22, 1989, pp. 338-345.
- 20.
- "Towards Software Metrics for Visual Programming." Intl. J. of
Man-Machine Studies 30:425-445, 1989.
- 21.
- "Exploring the General-Purpose Visual Alternative" (with M.E. Kopache
and D.W. McIntyre). In J. Visual Languages and Computing
1(1):3-39, 1990.
- 22.
- "A Visual Environment for Designing and Simulating Execution of Processor
Arrays" (with C.D. Norton). In Proc. 1990 IEEE Computer Society
Workshop on Visual Languages (VL'90), Skokie, October 4-6, 1990,
pp. 227-232.
- 23.
- "Reducing Line Clutter in Software Engineering Diagrams" (with T.S. Moyer).
In Proc. 19th Annual ACM Computer Science Conference (CSC'91), San
Antonio, March 4-7, 1991, pp. 161-168.
- 24.
- "The Design and Evolution of an Object-Oriented Graphics Library for
Creating User Interfaces for VLSI Design Tools" (with D.W. McIntyre). In
Proc. 19th Annual ACM Computer Science Conference (CSC'91), San
Antonio, March 4-7, 1991, pp. 471-477.
- 25.
- "Visual Tools and Languages: Directions for the '90s" (with M.M. Blattner
and C.J. Frerking). In Proc. 1991 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on
Visual Languages (VL'91), Kobe, October 8-11, 1991, pp. 89-95.
- 26.
- "NOVIS: A Visual Laboratory for Exploring the Design of Processor Arrays"
(with C.D. Norton). J. of Visual Languages and Computing
3(2):135-159, 1992.
- 27.
- "Visual Tools for Generating Iconic Programming Environments" (with
D.W. McIntyre). In Proc. 1992 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on
Visual Languages (VL'92), Seattle, September 15-18, 1992, pp. 162-168.
- 28.
- "Multilanguage Programming: An Automatic Type Mapping Approach" (with
A.J. Sanchez-Ruiz). In Proc. COMPSAC'92, Chicago, September 22-25,
pp. 57-62.
- 29.
- "Metawidgets: Towards a Theory of Multimodal Interface Design" (with
M.M. Blattner, J.A. Jorge and G.R. Ormsby). In Proc. COMPSAC'92,
Chicago, September 22-25, pp. 115-120.
- 30.
- "Programming the Multimodal Interface" (with M.M. Blattner). In
Proc. First ACM Intl. Conf. on Multimedia (MULTIMEDIA'93), Anaheim,
August 1-6, pp. 189-197.
- 31.
- "UnWindows: Bringing Multimedia Computing to Users with Disabilities"
(with R.L. Kline, G.R. Ormsby and G.B. Wise). In Proc. 1994 IISF/ACMJ
International Symposium on Computers as Our Better Partners, Tokyo,
March 7-9, pp. 34-42. World Scientific Publishers.
- 32.
- "Sonic Enhancement of Two-Dimensional Graphic Displays" (with M.M. Blattner
and A.L. Papp III). In Auditory Display: Sonification, Audification and
Auditory Interfaces (G. Kramer, Editor). Santa Fe Institute Studies in the
Sciences of Complexity, Volume XVIII. Addison Wesley Publishing Co., Reading
(Mass.), 1994, pp. 447-470.
- 33.
- "Improving GUI Accessibility for People with Low Vision" (with R.L. Kline).
In Proc. 12th ACM SIGCHI Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems
(CHI'95), Denver, May 6-11, pp. 114-121.
- 34.
- "Metawidgets for Multimodal Applications" (with G.B. Wise). In
Proc. 18th Conference of the Rehabilitation Engineering Society of
North America (RESNA'95), Vancouver (Canada), June 9-14, pp. 455-457.
- 35.
- "Online Parsing of Visual Languages using Adjacency Grammars" (with
J.A.P. Jorge). In Proc. 1995 IEEE Computer Society Symposium on
Visual Languages (VL'95), Darmstadt (Germany), September 5-9,
pp. 250-257.
- 36.
- "Adaptive Multimedia Interfaces in PolyMestra" (with G.B. Wise). In
Proc. First European Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and
Associated Technologies (ECDVRAT'96), Maidenhead (England), July 8-10,
1996, pp. 141-150.
- 37.
- "Fuzzy Adjacency Languages and Applications to Spatial Reasoning" (with
J.A.P. Jorge and D.A. Vaida). In Proc. Fifth IEEE Intl. Conf. on
Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'96), New Orleans, September 8-11, 1996,
vol. 1, pp. 633-639.
- 38.
- "Multimodal Integration" (with M.M. Blattner). In IEEE Multimedia,
3(4):14-24, Winter 1996.
- 39.
- "The Adaptive Multi-Interface Multimodal Environment" (with R.L. Todd
and G.B. Wise). ACM Computing Surveys 28(4es), December 1996. Part
of a special "electronic supplement" to the regular printed issue, this
paper may be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.acm.org/pubs/citations/journals/surveys/1996-28-4es/a134-glinert.
- 40.
- "Multimodal Multi-Interface Environments for Accessible Ubiquitous
Computing" (with R.L. Kline). In Design of Computing Systems:
Cognitive Considerations (G. Salvendy, M.J. Smith and R.J. Koubek,
editors)--Volume 1, Proc. Seventh Intl. Conf. on Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI'97), San Francisco, August 24-29, 1997, pp. 445-448.
- 41.
- "Auralization of Streamline Vorticity in Computational Fluid Dynamics Data"
(with C.R. Volpe). In Proc. IEEE VISUALIZATION'97, Phoenix, October
22-24, pp. 51-57.
- 42.
- "Computing Classification System 1998: Current Status and Future Maintenance
(Report of the CCS Update Committee)" (with N. Coulter--Chair, J. French,
T. Horton, N. Mead, R. Rada, A. Ralston, C. Rodkin, B. Rous, A. Tucker,
P. Wegner, E. Weiss and C. Wierzbicki). In ACM Computing Reviews,
39(1):1-24, January 1998.
- 43.
- "Task Division in Collaborative Simulations" (with R.F. Dugan, Jr.).
In Proc. 35th Hawaii Intl. Conf. on System Sciences
(HICSS-35), January 7-10, Big Island, Hawaii, 2002.
- 44.
- "CAMELOT: Technology Focused Testing of CSCW Applications" (with
R.F. Dugan, Jr. and E.H. Rogers). Submitted to the 2002
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'02), to be
held July 22-24, 2002, Rome (Italy). Also issued as Technical Report 01-6,
Dept. of Computer Science, Rensselaer.
- 45.
- "The List Subset Performance Antipattern" (with
R.F. Dugan, Jr. and A. Shokoufandeh). Submitted to the 3rd
International Workshop on Software and Performance, to be held July 24-26,
2002, Rome (Italy).
Panel Position Papers:
- 1.
- "Visual Programming:
Possibilities and Limitations" (Panel Chair: T.-D. Kimura,
Washington University, St. Louis). In Proc. COMPSAC'86, Chicago,
October 8-10, 1986, pp. 408-410. An expanded version appeared under the
title "Interactive, Graphical Programming Environments: Six Open
Problems and a Possible Partial Solution" as Technical Report 86-13,
Dept. of Computer Science, Rensselaer.
- 2.
- "Multidimensional Interfaces for Software Design" (Panel Chair:
T. Dudley, Bell Northern Research). In Proc. Third IFIP Conf. on
Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT'90), Cambridge (UK), August
27-31, 1990, pp. 1063-1066. An expanded version appeared under the title
"Visual Programming: Challenges and Directions for the '90s"
as Technical Report 90-11, Dept. of Computer Science, Rensselaer.
- 3.
- "Multimedia Environments for Scientists" (Panel Chair: Meera M.
Blattner, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory). In Proc. Second
IEEE Conference on Visualization (VISUALIZATION'91), San Diego, October
22-26, 1991, pp. 348-353.
- 4.
- "Visual Languages and Programming in the Year 2004" (Panel Chair:
Ephraim P. Glinert, RPI). In Proc. 1994 IEEE Symposium on Visual
Languages (VL'94), St. Louis, October 4-7, pp. 162-166.
Other Papers and Technical Reports:
- 1.
- "Programs Made of Pictures: Interactive Graphics Makes Programming Easy"
(with S.L. Tanimoto). Technical Report 82-03-03, Dept. of Computer Science,
University of Washington, 1982.
- 2.
- "A Three-Dimensional Graphical Paradigm for Representing Programs" (with
M.D. Tang and S.L. Tanimoto). Technical Report 85-07-01, Dept. of Computer
Science, University of Washington, 1985.
- 3.
- "PC-TILES: A Visual Programming Environment for Personal Computers Based on
the BLOX Methodology" (with C.D. Smith). Technical Report 86-21, Dept. of
Computer Science, Rensselaer, 1986.
- 4.
- "Today's Programming Practices = Tomorrow's Quaint Obsolescence?"
(Chair's Introduction to the Software Mini-Track on "Alternative
Programming Paradigms"). In Proc. 21st Hawaii Intl. Conf. on System
Sciences (HICSS-21)--Volume 2: Software Track, Kailua Kona, January
5-8, 1988, pp. 593-594.
- 5.
- "Techniques for Interactive 3-D Scientific Visualization" (with
M.M. Blattner and B.G. Becker). Technical Report 90-35, Dept. of
Computer Science, Rensselaer, and Technical Report UCRL-JC-105691,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- 6.
- Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on Computers and People
with Disabilities (with Bryant W. York, Northeastern University).
CACM 35(5):32-35, May 1992.
- 7.
- Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on Visualization and
Parallel Computing (with P. David Stotts, University of Florida,
Gainesville). J. Visual Languages and Computing 3(2):105,
June 1992.
- 8.
- "X Windows Tools for Low Vision Users" (with R.L. Kline). In
SIGCAPH Newsletter #49, March 1994, pp. 1-5.
- 9.
- "ROOM: A Reverse Object-Oriented Approach to Multi-Language Reusability"
(with A.J. Sanchez Ruiz). Technical Report 95-17, Dept. of Computer
Science, Rensselaer.
- 10.
- Guest Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue on Innovative Interface
Technologies. J. Visual Languages and Computing 7(1):1-2,
March 1996.
- 11.
- "Technology and Tools for People with Disabilities." Chapter 5 of the
JTEC Panel Report on Human-Computer Interaction Technologies in
Japan, pp. 53-68. International Technology Research Institute, Loyola
College, Baltimore, March 1996. (The other five contributors to the volume
are J.D. Foley (Chair), J.D. Hollan, R. Kraut, T. Sheridan and T. Skelly).
- 12.
- "Ensuring Access for People with Disabilities to the National Information
Infrastructure and Multimedia Computing." Report 96-16, Dept. of Computer
Science, Rensselaer, June 1996. The first section of this report also
appeared in SIGCAPH Newsletter #59, September 1997, pp. 10-17.
- 13.
- Guest Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue on Integrated Multimodal
Interfaces (with M.M. Blattner, University of California at
Davis/Livermore). IEEE Multimedia 3(4):13, Winter 1996.
- 14.
- "Distributed Multi-Interface Computing with PolyGlot" (with R.L. Todd).
Report 97-7, Dept. of Computer Science, Rensselaer, September 1997.
- 15.
- "Exploring Collaborative Learning in Rensselaer's Classroom-in-the-Round"
(with R.F. Dugan, Jr., E.A. Breimer, D.T. Lim, M.K. Goldberg and
M.V. Champagne). Technical Report 98-1, Dept. of Computer Science,
Rensselaer, April 1998.
- 16.
- Guest Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue on Calligraphic Interfaces:
Towards a New Generation of Interactive Systems (with J.A.P. Jorge, Instituto
Superior Tecnico, Lisbon). Computers and Graphics 24(6):817-818,
December 2000.
- 17.
- "Triggers: A Dynamic Approach to Testing Multi-User Software" (with
R.F. Dugan, Jr.). Technical Report 01-5, Dept. of Computer Science,
Books and Book Chapters:
- 1.
- Introduction to Computer Science Using Pascal. Prentice-Hall
International, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1983. ISBN 0-13-479402-8. Reviewed
in ACM Computing Reviews 24(8), August, 1983, pp. 338-339.
Hebrew Edition (in two volumes) published by Everyman's University, Tel
Aviv, Israel, 1986. ISBN 965-302-178-8 and 965-302-179-6.
- 2.
- "Nontextual Programming Environments." In Principles of Visual
Programming Systems (S.-K. Chang, editor). Prentice-Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, 1990. ISBN 0-13-710765-X. (The other six contributors to
the volume are A. Berztiss, J.G. Bonar, S.-K. Chang, M. Graf, K.-T. Huang
and B.W. Liffick).
- 3.
- Visual Programming Environments: Paradigms and Systems. IEEE
Computer Society Press, Washington, DC, 1990. ISBN 0-8186-8973-0.
- 4.
- Visual Programming Environments: Applications and Issues. IEEE
Computer Society Press, Washington, DC, 1990. ISBN 0-8186-8974-9.
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