Announcements: ----------------- - Hw#5 due next week! Out by tomorrow. Expect a bigger DB. Homework Questions: --------------------- - Email from: titled: Welcome to the CSCI 4380 Fall 2020 Database Server (check in - Tour of DBS server - Simpler queries are better, more portable, are harder to write at first - Debugging: -> Start small/remove relations from the from statement -> explain query ; Old Material --------------- SELECT FROM WHERE GROUP BY HAVING SELECT FROM WHERE GROUP BY HAVING ORDER BY LIMIT SELECT attributes, aggregates FROM relations WHERE conditions over attributes GROUP BY attributes from the from relations HAVING aggregate compared to a constant ORDER BY attributes constructed in select New Material --------------- Outer join Anonymous queries Scalar queries Set operations select id1, vala, id2, valb from a,b where a.id1 = b.id2 ; select id1, vala, id2, valb from a join b on a.id1 = b.id2 ; select id1, vala, id2, valb from a left join b on a.id1 = b.id2 ; select b.baker , count(*) as numtuples , count(f.episodeid) as numfavorites from bakers b left join favorites f on b.baker = f.baker group by b.baker; (left relation) left join (right relation) on condition -- For each baker, find how many times they were ranked 3 or lower in technicals. (left relation=all bakers) left join (right relation= bakers with at least one technical with rank<=3) on condition SELECT b.baker , count(t.episodeid) FROM bakers b left join technicals t on b.baker = t.baker and t.rank <= 3 GROUP BY b.baker; ---------------------- Anonymous SELECT s.baker , s.make , tr1.numwins FROM (select baker,count(*) as numwins from technicals where rank = 1 group by baker having count(*)>=1) as tr1, signatures s WHERE s.baker = tr1.baker; -- same! SELECT s.baker , s.make , count(DISTINCT t.episodeid) as numwins FROM signatures s , technicals t WHERE s.baker = t.baker and t.rank =1 GROUP BY s.baker , s.make HAVING count(DISTINCT t.episodeid)>=1; ------------------- SELECT max(viewers7day) from episodes; SELECT * FROM episodes WHERE viewers7day = 10.34; SELECT * FROM episodes WHERE viewers7day = (SELECT max(viewers7day) from episodes); ---------------------- 1. Return the fullname and all showstoppers that they made for all bakers who won exactly two technicals in odd numbered episodes that aired before October. Order by fullname ASC. SELECT b.fullname , s.make FROM bakers b , showstoppers s , (SELECT t.baker FROM episodes e , technicals t WHERE e.firstaired < date '10/1/2018' and = 1 and t.episodeid = and t.rank = 1 GROUP BY t.baker HAVING count(*)=2) as twotimes WHERE b.baker = s.baker and twotimes.baker = b.baker; 2. Return the name and age of the bakers who were not 30 years of age, who were the star baker more than once, also return the name of their showstopper dessert in an episode that they are a star baker, but for episodes that do not have the lowest two viewers7day count. SELECT b.fullname , b.age , s.make FROM bakers b , showstoppers s , (SELECT baker FROM results WHERE result = 'star baker' GROUP BY baker HAVING count(*)>1) as stm1 , results r WHERE b.age<>30 and b.baker = s.baker and s.episodeid NOT IN (SELECT id FROM episodes ORDER BY viewers7day asc LIMIT 2) and b.baker = stm1.baker and r.episodeid = s.episodeid and r.baker = s.baker and r.result = 'star baker' ;