Class FAQ: ------------ 1. How to watch these videos? Hit the pause button frequently and take notes, bring notes to class 2. What will be covered in this class? How is the content organized? Data Modeling Data Querying/Database Programming Database Internals/Database Systems 3. What do I need to know in advance? Data Structures, FOCS, Computer Org., POS 4. Do I need to install a database management system on my computer? We will use Postgresql, no need to install yourself, but you can tl,dr: No 5. What else might be good for me to learn? Latex (Overleaf) Introduction to Relational Databases Textbook, Chapter 1 -------------------------------------- What is a database? Any collection of data, persistent and large What is a database management system (DBMS)? Software for managing a database What are the components of a DBMS? -- Data Definition Language -- Storage Manager -- Query Processor: Declarative queries (describing what you want) SQL -> industry standard -- Transaction Manager: implements programs that change data correctly - Atomicity: execute all operations or none - Consistency - Isolation: execute correctly even in the presence of concurrent operations - Durability: changes made by transactions are not lost Data models: - Relational data model - Object-oriented data models - Hierarchical data models