Lecture 20 part 2: Other index structures: PRIMARY --------------------------- Hashing CREATE INDEX name ON table USING HASH (column); CREATE INDEX R ON table USING HASH (A); Useful for searching on equality, not on range searches A=10 A='ABC' Clustering: sorting CREATE INDEX I1 on movieroles(actorid, movieid); CLUSTER movieroles USING I1; Great for queries: SELECT * FROM movieroles WHERE actorid = 20; SELECT * FROM actor a, movieroles mr WHERE a.name = 'KB' and a.actorid = mr.actorid ; SECONDARY - WHAT TO INDEX ON? -------------------------------- single attribute, multiple attributes index on a condition for all tuples: CREATE INDEX test1_lower_col1_idx ON test1 (lower(col1)); partial index on a subset of tuples: CREATE INDEX access_log_client_ip_ix ON access_log (client_ip) WHERE NOT (client_ip > inet '' AND client_ip < inet ''); constraint satisfaction: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX name ON table (column [, ...]); OTHER TYPES OF SECONDARY INDICES ------------------------------------- GIST / GIN / Sp-GIST (non-balanced) Index spatial data, X,Y R-tree -> B-Tree Different types on indexes: R-trees (Type of GIST) SP-Gist: non-balanced trees. Punched cards! https://computerhistory.org/blog/the-bourne-collection-online-search-is-older-than-you-think/ CREATE INDEX name ON table USING GIST (column [ { DEFAULT | tsvector_ops } (siglen = number) ] ); Creates a GiST (Generalized Search Tree)-based index. The column can be of tsvector or tsquery type. Optional integer parameter siglen determines signature length in bytes (see below for details). ----------------------- Inverted files CREATE INDEX name ON table USING GIN (column); Creates a GIN (Generalized Inverted Index)-based index. The column must be of tsvector type. select to_tsvector('english',make) from signatures ; -----------------