Exam: -------- On monday! Important: ----------------- Please whitelist the following email: rpidbsprof@gmail.com Instructions are here: https://itssc.rpi.edu/hc/en-us/articles/360010480672-Anti-Spam-Services-Respite-FAQ I will send your username/password for the class db server from this address. SQL -------- SQL is an industry standard - Query language - select from where - Data manipulation language - create/drop/.... insert/update/delete tuples - Case insensitive - Strings are delimited by '' - Each statemnt ends with ; - Comments are in -- - SQL is bag based, not set based - Relations may not have any primary keys - Use DISTINCT if copies may be returned but not wanted -- SELECT attributes FROM relation WHERE boolean conditions ; select id , title , viewers7day , firstaired from episodes where viewers7day >9.2 and firstaired > date '2018-09-25' ; Regular expressions: ----------------------- % zero or more characters _ one character only select * from showstoppers where make like '%''%'; NULL Values ------------ There is no value for an attribute because: - No value exists - I don't know the value - I don't know whether there is a value or not select * from cuteanimals where name is null; 3 = 4 false 3 = 3 true 3 = null unknown unknown and false = false unknown and true = unknown unknown or false = unknown unknown or true = true not unknown = unknown select id , title from episodes where firstaired < date '2018-09-21'; date - date -> interval date + interval -> date date + time -> timestamp timestamp + interval -> timestamp time + interval -> time