Secondary storage continued! ------------------------------- Lecture exercise today Still no exam results, sorry about that. create index playedonradio1_idx on playedonradio(station,songid); create index playedonradio2_idx on playedonradio(station); select songid from playedonradio where station = 'mai' ; select station from playedonradio where songid = 1234 ; B-trees are super useful ---------------------------- Index on R(X,Y) can be used for many types of searches (to different levels of effectiveness) effectiveness = how much of the leaf level do I need to scan X=1 and Y=5 or X=1 and Y>=5 and Y<=10 X=1 or X>=1 and X<=4 X>=1 and X<=4 and Y=2 (Y condition is mostly irrelevant) Y=2 (Y condition is irrelevant, scan the whole index) But wait, are there other types of indices? ------------------------------------------------ R-tree (points, any geometric object) balanced tree Postgresql -> GIST trees Unbalanaced trees -> Quadtrees and k-d trees Postgresql -> Sp-GIST trees create extension pg_trgm; create table rs as select * from rollingstonetop500 ; alter table rs add review tsvector ; update rs set review = to_tsvector(critic) ; create index review_idx on rs using gin(review) ; Inverted index: W1 -> t1:2,4 t4:4,6 select, r.album from artists a, rs r where r.artistid = and @@ to_tsquery('(masterpiece | avantgarde) & (comtemporary | modern)'); -------------- Secondary Index vs. Primary Index ----------------------------------------- select * from playedonradio where station = 'mai'; Secondary indices do not change how the relation is stored on disk Just creates look up structures Primary indices change how to store the data Hashing is a way to create a primary index Hashing is useful for equality searches Hash on R(A) is useful for queries: A=x Primary index structures are useful for some queries but need to be maintained to remain effective