
Course overview
Brief schedule
A slightly fancier introduction
Paper presentation

Course overview


Brief schedule



There is no textbook. The best article for comprehensive reading is the following survey. Also you may find the following books useful, especially the first by Shoham and Leyton-Brown (thus SLB). All of them have free non-printable versions for download.


A slightly fancier introduction

Paper presentation

Each team must give 2 presentations on selected topics. A topic may contain one or more related papers.

How to apply for topics (papers)?

Send me an email with a full order over all topics. (You can give a full order over a subset of topics, but then randomization will be used to determine the rest of your preferences. So it is always better to give a full order).

After all teams submit their preferences, we will use a balanced sequential allocation mechanism (c.f. Harvard Business School draft mechanism) to assign the slots. Suppose we have k teams (and 2k topics to assign). Let T1 denote the earliest team to report preferences, T2 denote the second earliest, etc.

So the order for teams to "choose" papers is: (T1, T2,...Tk, Tk, Tk-1,...T1)

If a team only contains one student, then the team does not need to choose a second paper.

Each paper is initially assigned a time. After all papers are assigned, you can use Piazza to "trade" the time with other classmates, but only do it when you feel necessary.

Hints: the earlier you submit your preferences the higher possibility you can pick your favorite topic.

How to read a paper?

At least you should ask yourself the following two types of quesitons

Basic questions:

Advance questions:

More general reading question can be found here. Prof. Michael Mitzenmacher has a nice blog on paper reading.




Thanks Felix Brandt, Yiling Chen, Ulle Endriss, Vincent Conitzer, David Parkes, Ariel Procaccial, Sven Seuken, Yi Zhang for offering tremendous helps on developing the course!