Seçme Siirler * Selected Poems
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Translated by Talat Sait Halman

Af Akþamý

  Af buyruðuyla açýlmýþtý hapishane kapýsý
  Taþýyordu koca burunlar týraþlý esneler kara çeneler
  Dizleri eðri omuzlarý çarpýlmýþ sýrtlar çýkýk dökülüyordu
  Vakitlere kapanmýþ büyük karanlýklardan
  Taþýyordu vay dökülüyordu vay
  Yýrtýk pis bitli çirkin
  Sokaðý dolduruyordu terli can uðultusu

  Geçiriyordu avucunu þaþkýnlýkla saçýndan saçýndan
  9 yýl yatmýþ

  Kolunda anasý kucaðýnda yavrusu
  Doldurmuþtu kapýnýn önünü kalabalýk
  Kimi ta dað köylerinden koþmuþ
  Kimi ta denizlerden
  Bir özlem sarmýþ baðrý ölümden yüce
  Sevgiyle arýyorlar parçalarýný
  Heybelerinde ekmek destilerinde su

  Bir türlü inanamýyordu sokaklara sokaklara
  20 yýl yatmýþ

  Gönüllere sýðmaz olmuþ kavuþmak duygusu
  Öyle sarýlýr ki geçmiþe
  Erir göðsü göðsünde tutuklunun
  Piþmanlýk kavaklar tarlalar davarlar için
  Piþmanlýk gemilere düðünlere ýrmaklara
  Piþmanlýk beþiklerden kaðnýlardan sessiz
  Yerce gökçe deðil insan dolusu

  Çýlgýnca kucaklýyordu hepimizi hepimizi
  5 buçuk yýl yatmýþ

  Taþar içerde kalanlarýn sorusu
  Çubuk demirler arkasýndan maviliðe
  Hem esenliðe ermiþ hem yaþlý yelcek
  Bir yurt türküsü yeniler karanlýðý
  Zaman yeðnik deðildir yeðniktir
  Dön de gör ananý belleyecek
  Boþ koðuþlar kurmuþ pusu

  Sönük gözü aydýnlýkla büyüyordu büyüyordu
  8 yýl yatmýþ

  Çýkýnlarda gecenin binlerce gecenin uyunmamýþ uykusu
  Bir yorgunluk çökünce yürünmüþ yeryüzünden
  Kalabalýkta daðýlýr birer ikiþer özgür
  Doðuya batýya kuzeye güneye özgür
  Yüreklerinde bir çýð
  Yaþamak sevinci vay
  Yaþamak korkusu

  Ýnmeli yaný sýçrýyordu havaya havaya
  17 yýl yatmýþ

The Night of the Amnesty

  Prison gates swung open with the amnesty decree.
  Out poured big noses, shaven necks, black chins,
  Knees bent, shoulders deformed, backs wrenched; they rushed
  Out of huge darknesses closed to time.
  Huddled together they came,
  Tattered, filthy, lice-covered, ugly.
  The street resounded with their sweltering spree.

  In amazement his palm flitted through his hair again and again.
  He had served nine years.

  His mother in his arms, his child giving him hugs --
  The crowd seethed in front of the prison gate.
  Some had rushed all the way from mountain villages,
  Some from the seas,
  Their hearts clutched by a longing greater than death.
  With love they looked for their very own,
  Bread in their saddlebags, water in their jugs.

  He couldn't believe the sight of all those streets.
  He had served seventeen years.

  The frenzied urge that the heart exudes,
  Clung to the past with such ardour,
  She melted away on the convict's chest.
  Remorse for fields and poplars and cattle,
  Remorse for ships and weddings and rivers,
  Remorse for cradles and ox-carts in silence,
  Not by heaven and earth but in multitudes...

  He embraced all of us like a madman.
  He had served five and a half years.

  The question of those left in jail invades the blue.
  From behind the iron bars,
  Both happy and mourning like the wind,
  A song of the native land renews the dark.
  Time is not light, yet it is.
  The empty wards are lying in ambush.
  If you ever go back, they will torture you.

  In the light his burnt-out eye grew and grew.
  He had served eight years.

  In bundles, the half sleep of a night or a thousand nights
  Walks away from the earth when fatigue takes hold.
  Out of the crowd they dispersed in ones and twos, free,
  To the east and west, to the north and south, free,
  An avalanche in their hearts --
  Life's joys --
  Life's frights.

  His stricken side bobbed and throbbed.
  He had served seventeen years.

"Af Akþamý" is from SELECTED POEMS OF FAZIL HÜSNÜ DAGLARCA, translated by Talat Sait Halman, © 1969 by University of Pittsburgh Press.
Reprinted by permission of the University of Pittsburgh Press.
All rights reserved.