Seçme Siirler * Selected Poems
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Translated by Talat Sait Halman

Karanlýk Yapý

     Vurmuþ daðlara daðlara ýþýðý
     Belli olmuþ uzaðý yitmiþliðinden
     Düþünür bizi
     Gece aþaðýda

     Üstlerden büyür samanyolu
     Bir sevgiye benzer
     Baþka bir sevgiye benzerken
     Gece aþaðýda

     Baðýþlar öldürmüþü
     Çalaný yalan soyleyeni kaçaný
     Topraða çið düþmeden
     Gece aþaðýda

     Bir eski savaþ alanýnda korkunç
     Bir ayrýlýkta upuzun
     Neler soyunur neler
     Gece aþaðýda

     Nice yorgun olursa olsun yercek
     Yükünden yeþilinden
     Uyutur böçeði otu
     Gece aþaðýda

     Bu nedir bulamýyorum
     Yýldýzlar yýldýz
     Gökyüzü gök
     Gece aþaðýda

     Hani yapýlar vardýr
     Taþ taþ doldurur boþluðu
     Öylece duvarlarý örer
     Gece aþaðýda

     Dinleme gerek
     Ýletine güne tohumu
     Gece aþaðýda

     Anlama gerek
     Azalýr biraz þimdi
     Gece aþaðýda

     Kiþi yerin dibine dek çýrýlçýplak
     Baþarýsýz uykusuz
     Ama bir umut verir
     Gece aþaðýda

Gloomy Building

     Its light is cast upon the hills across.
     Its own light reveals its drift.
     It thinks of us.
     The night underneath

     The Milky Way is magnified above
     Resembling a love
     As it resembles another love.
     The night underneath

     Pardons the killer,
     The thief, the liar and the fugitive
     Before the dew falls on the ground.
     The night underneath

     Awesome on an old battlefield,
     In a separation all too long
     So many strip naked.
     The night underneath

     No matter how tired or earth-bound
     With thrir burden and their green,
     It lulls worms and weeds to sleep.
     The night underneath

     I cannot find though I grope.
     Stars are stars.
     Skies are skies.
     The night underneath

     See, there are buildings
     Which fill the void, stone by stone.
     That's how it weaves its walls,
     The night underneath

     One must
     Hush and listen.
     It conveys the seed to daylight,
     The night underneath

     One must
     Look and understand.
     Now it diminishes a bit,
     The night underneath

     Starknaked man returns to the ground,
     Unfulfilled and sleepless.
     Yet it offers a hope,
     The night underneath.

"Karanlýk Yapý" is from SELECTED POEMS OF FAZIL HÜSNÜ DAGLARCA, translated by Talat Sait Halman, © 1969 by University of Pittsburgh Press.
Reprinted by permission of the University of Pittsburgh Press.
All rights reserved.