Seçme Siirler * Selected Poems
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Translated by Talat Sait Halman

Simgelerde Yüzler

     Bir ýþýk üstünde gelir
     Gelir o
     Seversin yeri göðü
     Uyanmýþ tutsaklar çaðrýsýna dek.
     Dolar da
     Dolar da yüreðine tohumlarýn davranýþý
     Bir anýdan bir geleceðe gövermiþcene.

     Gelir de bir uykusuza su
     Gelir bir orman uyanýk yellerden.
     Gider hele
     Gider hele göllerin yalnýzlýðý
     Yaptýklarýnýzla yüz yüze, çýrýlçýplak.

     Ovalar baþak çoðalýmýyla doluydu,
     Derelerde vardý bilinmez anýlarin gücü
     Aðaçlarýn yemiþleri sizin aðýrlýðýnýzdaydý,
     Öldürmüþtünüz çünkü.

     Bir sorgu günü deðil anlamak günü
     Gözleriniz açýlsa
     Açýk kalsa aðzýnýz kandan þimdi
     Sizi baðýþlamaz yeraltý otlarý bile
     Almaz yýlan uykularý bile düþlerinizi sizin
     Siz dikeysiniz, siz hamsýnýz.

     Þimdi ne siz varsýnýz, ne o, ne oteki,
     Yaban yeþili ev yeþilini kovmuþtur.
     Yine ýssýz
     Yeryüzü gökyüzü,
     Yine ýssýz
     Ölüler unutulmuþ gider
     Ölülerin ardýndan bir köpek gider.

     Kopmuþcasýna sen þimdi
     Karanlýðýn, yokluðun ardýnda sen
     Bitersin yerden göðe;
     Eðri uzun
     Dar uzun.
     Gider o
     Gider bir ýþýk üstünde.

Faces on Symbols
     He comes on a beam of light.
     He comes.
     You love the earth and the sky
     All the way to the plea of the awakened slaves.
     The urge of the seeds fills your heart.
     You stand taller
     From a memory to the future in a lunge of green.

     Water comes to a sleepless man.
     A forest comes from the wakeful winds.
     The solitude
     Of the stars
     And the lakes goes away.
     You are left alone,
     Face to face with all you have done, starknaked.

     You had seized
     And struck.
     Meadows were full of multiplying spikes.
     Brooks ran with the power of your memories,
     And the fruit of the trees had your gravity
     Because you had stolen
     And killed.

     The day of understanding, not judgement day --,
     If your eyes were open
     From the blue,
     Or your mouth slit open with blood now,
     Not even the weeds in the ground would forgive you
     Nor the sleep of snakes seize your dreams.
     You are angular
     And raw.

     Now there is neither you nor he nor the other.
     Savage green drove out the home green.
     Desolate again
     Are earth and sky.
     Desolate again,
     Dead men go forgotten,
     And a dog goes after the dead men.

     As if you are severed now,
     You, beyond darkness and absence,
     You rise from the earth to the sky ...
     Stretching long,
     Tilting long,
     Narrow long,
     He goes,
     He goes on a beam of light.

Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi (d. 1273) is one of the greatest mystic poets of the Islamic world and founder of the popular Mevlevi dervish movement.

"Simgelerde Yüzler" is from SELECTED POEMS OF FAZIL HÜSNÜ DAGLARCA, translated by Talat Sait Halman, © 1969 by University of Pittsburgh Press.
Reprinted by permission of the University of Pittsburgh Press.
All rights reserved.