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Homework assignments are due Thursday nights at 11:59pm. Homework is submitted electronically and submission times are judged by the webserver timestamp. If your submission is one minute late, it is a day late, so we suggest that you don't actually wait until the last minute. You may submit your assignment multiple times -- we will only grade your last submission (or you may specify which version we should grade). Please see the Calendar for the homework assignments and due dates.

Note: Please do not email your homework assignment to the instructor or the TAs (unless explicitly requested to do so). We will only grade material submitted to the homework submission server. We can login and view your submitted homework files if you encounter a problem at submission time and have a short question related to homework submission.

Late Day Policy

Each student will initially be given one day (whole or partial) of grace for late homework assignments. Through consistent participation and solid performance on in-lecture iClicker exercises each student may earn additional late days. These grace days are intended to cover minor illnesses, hardware malfunctions, and schedule conflicts with homeworks/tests in your other classes.

To use a late day, simply submit the assignment as normal through the homework submission link. You do not need to notify your TA or instructor. For example, an assignment submitted 22 hours late (Friday evening at 10:00pm) counts as 1 late day used. As another example, an assignment submitted 26 hours late (Saturday morning at 2:00am) counts as 2 late days used. No more than two late days may be used for any one assignment. Once your late days have been exhausted, late assignments will not be accepted without an excused absense note from the Student Success office.

Students should use their late days carefully, saving them for the latter part of the semester or (better yet) not using them at all.