CSCI-4972 Introduction to Visualization
Fall 2010
  Contact Information
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  Learning Outcomes

  Assigned Readings

  Lecture notes
  Lab materials

  On-line Material
  Optional Books

  Homework Late Policy
  Electronic Submission


Your grade in this course will be determined as follows:
  • 20% Assigned Reading Summaries, Questions, & Discussion
  • 15% Participation & In-Class Work
  • 35% Homework Assignments
  • 30% Final Project

Assigned Readings

Each week we will have a selection of relevant papers and articles on visualization. All students are expected to have downloaded and read one of the assigned papers for that day's lecture. It's "ok" if you don't understand all of the details. Ideally, the paper will serve as a jumping off point that leads to other reading, possibly specialized to your area of interest.

Each student should post a couple paragraphs summarizing the paper or topic to the discussion forum on Rensselaer LMS by 5pm on the day before the paper will be discussed in class. The summary should focus on 1) the important contributions of the paper to the community, 2) what you found interesting about the paper or topic, and 3) any questions or confusion you had after reading the paper that other students or the instructors might be able to help clarify. If the paper was too advanced for your full understanding (we will often be reading recent technical research results), you may not understand the details of the paper. That's ok. Use google and/or wikipedia to find more information about one or more background topics from the paper broadly relevant to visualization and write a summary about what you learned.

Each student will be responsible for leading the discussion of one of the papers during the semester. The student who will lead the discussion should spend some extra time to understand the details of the paper. During lecture this student will give an oral summary (no more than 3 minutes) of the paper's contributions, and then lead the class in a discussion of the paper, beginning with the comments posted to the forum.

Final Project

The last 5 weeks of the semester will be reserved for working on the final project, which will be on a topic of your choosing. It can be an extension of one of the homework assignments, a portion of your graduate research, a significant module of a final project for another course, or a brand-new project. You are highly encouraged to work in a teams for the final project. All final projects will be presented in EMPAC Studio 2, which we have reserved for the last few weeks of the semester. Details about the projection and computing equipment and installation will be worked out as the semester progresses.